We are so excited here at Two Chicks Obsessed! All week, in honor of Catch a Tiger by the Tail by Charlie Cochet, releasing Friday February 5th, we will have character spotlights for your. We have asked Dex and Sloane, Cael and Ash, Seb and Hudson, Letty and Rosa, and of course Calvin and Ethan Hobbs, five questions, and you are going to love their answers. So, sit back, grab a cup mug of hot cocoa, and enjoy today’s Q&A with Ash Keeler and Cael Maddock.
Cael & Ash
TCO: What’s your guilty pleasure?
Cael: Cooking shows. I get so sucked into them. I’ve always enjoyed cooking, but these shows are just so much fun. Sometimes it gets really intense. I’m not a big sports guy, but I imagine what I feel while watching some of these shows is what people like when watching a sports game. I have been known to yell at the screen.
Ash: I don’t feel guilty about anything. If I want to do it, I do.
Cael: What about baking?
Ash: Thanks for outing me, sweetheart.
Cael: Um, I hate to break it to you, but everyone knows you bake.
Ash: When you say everyone….
Cael: I mean everyone. Even Jonah from accounting knows you bake.
Ash: How?!
Cael: Um, you baked pies for Thanksgiving remember? My brother was there, and we both know he’s the worst gossip ever. You outed yourself.
Ash: Seems to be a habit of mine as of late.
Cael: You’re so cute.
Ash: Thanks. Yeah, I bake. Happy now? Move onto the next damn question.
TCO: Pick your poison (beverage of choice)
Cael: I’m not really a big alcohol drinker, though I can hold my liquor way better than my brother. My drink of choice is probably hot chocolate. Sugary drinks aren’t too good for me either. Not just health-wise, but they make me kind of hyper.
Ash: kind of? Shall we discuss the Mochaccino incident?
Cael: That wasn’t my fault. I thought it was my hot chocolate. I didn’t know it was Dex’s bucket of triple heart palpitation espresso. I could hear color!
Ash: My poison of choice is whatever I’m in the mood for at the time. Don’t care. Except Guinness. It’s like drinking tar. Oh, and fruity shit. Alcopops and that nonsense. Cocktails with pieces of fruit. If I want fruit, I’ll have a damn apple. Don’t stick that shit in my drink.
TCO: Sinful snack
Cael: Cookies! I love cookies. Doesn’t matter what kind. I love baking them, decorating them, and eating them. So good.
Ash: Sweet stuff. Pies, cake, that sort of thing. I don’t eat it all that often, but I enjoy it. Baking is therapeutic for me, so I tend to bake stuff, maybe keep one thing for myself, and give the rest to Cael. He usually gives it to his brother, or takes it into the office. If I ever need to get rid of anything I baked, it just needs to find a way into Dex’s hands. The guy’s like a human vacuum cleaner when it comes to food. Don’t know where the hell it all goes. Probably to his head.
TCO: Workout of choice
Cael: Running. I love running. I’ll do the treadmill, but I love running outdoors. The wind in my face, music in my ears, and nothing but me and the great outdoors. It’s so freeing.
Ash: Anything where I get to inflict pain on some jackass. There’s always some rookie agent at work who thinks he can take me down, or someone who wants to prove how hard they are. I toy with them a bit before showing them how stupid they were for getting into the ring with me. Close quarter combat is my preference.
TCO: Pick a weapon-only one
Cael: I don’t like weapons. At least not ones that shoot. I prefer using my skills as a recon agent. My expertise is technology, so that’s what I prefer to fight with. Sometimes the best solution is one that doesn’t involve a body count.
Ash: Where’s the fun in that?
Cael: Very funny.
Ash: You’re so cute when you pout like that. I’m kidding. You’re right.
Cael: Of course I’m right. I’m always right.
Ash: Well…. For the sake of not sleeping alone tonight, let’s go with yes. Yes, you’re always right, sweetheart.
Cael: Thank you. I love how we see eye to eye.
Ash: More like eye to top of head, on account of you being so adorably small.
Cael: It’s like you want to sleep on your own tonight.
Ash: Sorry. Right. My weapon of choice is my body.
Cael: Ooh, that sounds naughty.
Ash: That’s not what I meant, but hold onto that thought for later. I meant weapons are unreliable. If you’ve honed your skills as a fighter, you can achieve great things. Taking down an opponent with my technique, is far more rewarding than just shooting at them. I like to think of myself as more of a warrior than anything else.
As always, there is tons of extra goodies at ThirdsHQ. Don’t forget to preorder Catch a Tiger by the Tail, here. And if you haven’t read this fantastic series, please don’t hesitate, grab Hell & High Water, . I promise you won’t regret it!!!
Check back every day this week, as we bring you more character spotlights!
I adore Ash. So glad I found these posts! I’m binge-reading all of them. Thank you for these character spotlights.