Whether it was due to lack of funds, lack of desire, or one lame excuse after another, Rex Sharpe has managed to ignore the one and only dream he’s ever had: turning his family’s dilapidated old farmhouse into a bed and breakfast. Until now. When his cousin Travis Walker decides to invest in a venture that will help revitalize the small town of Coyote Ridge, Rex knows it’s time to put up or shut up.
They say third time’s a charm, right? Jack Cunningham learns that’s not always true. When his world is unexpectedly tipped on its axis, Jack does what he does best. He runs. Only this time, he doesn’t get far. A one-night encounter with a sexy cowboy has Jack’s already topsy-turvy world spinning even more, and he soon learns, it’s only the beginning.

I read quite a few Nicole Edwards books back in the day. Now that I pretty strictly read MM, I read Ethan a few years ago and Beau last year. I enjoyed Ethan, Beau was ok. But this one was really, meh. I was bored.
The first three chapters are just first, Rex trying to talk himself into something, then the next is Jack trying to talk himself into something and then Rex again. Rex was trying to convince himself to work on his dream project. Turning his generational family home into a bed and breakfast. Not for nothing, but if you have had this dream since you were 13, probably you wouldn’t have to talk yourself into it.
Jack is trying to convince himself to go inside his apartment. Where fiance number 3 is. But he doesn’t want to. He should have listened to himself.
Jack and Rex meet at a bar. Cliche. Jack gets wasted and Rex drives him- a complete stranger- back to his hotel. But don’t worry, Rex would never take advantage of a drunk straight guy! He will let him nap for an hour or so first. *eye roll*
And now because there aren’t any hotel rooms anywhere around him, Jack ends up in Rex’s spare bedroom. Uh huh.
Have hot sex- walk away and ignore it. Flirt heavily- then turn a cold shoulder. Get in a big fight- hide in your room.
I really, really hate to say this. But the dynamic between Jack and Rex was much like that of het couples in traditional romances I won’t read anymore. Because of all of this bs.
I felt no connection, no chemistry between them. Boring.
Besides the completely unbelievable happenings of a huge influx of money from family investors into a B&B that has no business plan at all.
Rex has trauma from his past. Because of that trauma, the town shunned him and his brother. His brother left when he was 18, but Rex stuck around. Because B&B dreams. (And Rex is one of the least likely guys to seem to want to open a B&B, but whatevs). But he doesn’t seem to have any issues with nosy townspeople now.
I made it to the end. Barely. I don’t know if I could read another by this author. Honestly, I think she should stick with MF romances.
2.5 Pieces of Eye Candy