TCO: Thank you so much to Charlie for asking us to help with her Exclusive Cover Reveal!!! We love it and are sure you will too!!! So, check it out, drool a little, and don’t forget to enter the giveaway.
Hello all! Thank you so much for joining me here today. I’m so excited to be revealing the fabulous cover for Smoke & Mirrors (THIRDS, Book 7) by the amazing L.C. Chase. A huge thank you to Two Chicks Obsessed with Books and Eye Candy for hosting me.

Genre: Paranormal Gay Romance
Series: THIRDS
Length: Novel
Published: July 8th, 2016
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: L.C. Chase
Life for Dexter J. Daley has never been easy, but he’s always found a way to pick himself back up with a smile on his face. Taken from his home, and the arms of his boyfriend and THIRDS partner, Sloane Brodie, Dex finds himself in a situation as mysterious and lethal as the Therian interrogating him. Dex learns what he’s secretly believed all along: his parents’ death wasn’t an accident.
Discovering the whole truth about John and Gina Daley’s homicide sets off a series of events that will change Dex and Sloane’s lives forever. As buried secrets rise to the surface and new truths are revealed, Dex and Sloane’s love for each other is put to the test, with more than their relationship on the line. If traversing the waters of murder and secret government agencies wasn’t enough, something inexplicable has been happening to Dex—and nothing will ever be the same.
Dreamspinner Press eBook
Dreamspinner Press Paperback
Charlie Cochet is an author by day and artist by night. Always quick to succumb to the whispers of her wayward muse, no star is out of reach when following her passion. From adventurous agents and sexy shifters, to society gentlemen and hardboiled detectives, there’s bound to be plenty of mischief for her heroes to find themselves in, and plenty of romance, too!
Currently residing in Central Florida, Charlie is at the beck and call of a rascally Doxiepoo bent on world domination. When she isn’t writing, she can usually be found reading, drawing, or watching movies. She runs on coffee, thrives on music, and loves to hear from readers.
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Sloane’s THIRDS Post Shift Trauma Care Kit includes kit bag with Destructive Delta pin, THIRDS agent T-shirt, snacks, and random items thrown in by Dex despite his boyfriend telling him to leave his bag alone.
I find it hard to pick a favorite, but I think the first is usually my favorite. It is the one that hooked me.
Love the cover!!! So so pretty! <3
LOL. I'm very curious what Dex has thrown into the bag. 😀
My favorite THIRDS book is Rise & Fall, for many reasons. Most important being that we get to see this whole other side of Dex, the protector, who would do anything for the people he loves.
It’s absolutely gorgeous! Love it, love it. My favorite cover so far. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!! Now, I’m even more excited and anxious for the release!! Oh, and I love the giveaway prize. So, awesome. I can only imagine what Dex has done to it. he he he 😉
we have to choose just one???? noooooooooooo…it ca’t be done!! they are all AMAZING!!!
I am so excited for this book! July can’t come fast enough.
I love this whole series, but the first one is what hooked me 🙂
The cover looks awesome! My favourite so far. Can’t wait for the book to come out *shouldn’t have read the spoiler chapter in advance*
Can’t choose! But if pushed I’d say Blood and Thunder.
Book 1 is still my fave cuz meeting the boys was so fun!
The series is just amazing, great stories, wonderful humor and characters you feel like people you really know. Can’t wait!!
While it’s hard to pick a favorite, gotta go with Hell & High Water – it’s what got me into the series!
I love every single book. You can’t choose. Their all connected into a giant awesome story. This is my favorite cover though. Powerful and sexy!
Can’t wait. I think the first book is my favorite but they are all near and dear to me. This new one I know will be great as well.
One of my all time favorite series! Please never stop writing them!!
The cover is gorgeous! And book 1 is still my fave, because Dex is so damned funny, but they are all awesome.
I love all the books but I actually have two favorites. Against The Grain is a favorite because we get to see what lies beyond Ash’s seemingly douchey exterior and the softness he has inside… least where Cael is concerned.
My other favorite is Catch A Tiger By The Tail. Mostly is because Ethan Hobbs is one of my most favorite characters. I know most people would think that’s weird to have a character who doesn’t say much, if anything, as a favorite character but I find that there’s so much in what Ethan doesn’t say that it more than makes up for his difficulty speaking. And I loved seeing how his relationship with Calvin developed from just friends to more than just friends, and getting to learn more about Ethan himself.
My favorite is the first book. It was really fun watching the team warm up to Dex. Lol except Ash, of course.
OMG….OMG…….Is it July already, I don’t think I can wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful cover! Love it! ♡ Can’t wait for the book.
My fav one so far is Against the Grain. I know some people complained about it that Ash’s character did 180 in this one, but I disagree. I think we got to see his personality from the side he didn’t allow to be seen, because he finally felt comfortable with his friends to let go of the inner barriers. People can and do make sudden changes in their behavior. I witnessed it happen many times and also did the same.
WOW, love the cover.
My fav, kind of hard to pin point one but Hell & High Water has to be because it’s the first and you can’t help but fall in love with this set of characters.
I love all the books! I can’t chose a favorite!
Why such a difficult question??? T-T
I love them all so much, each one of them has done a number on me. Good and bad. I love them. I think I’ll pick Rise & Fall as my favorite, though. <3
I'm so excited for Smoke & Mirrors! The cover is BEAUTIFUL!
The cover model for Dex is SO cute! Love it! My favorite book is Hell &High Water, because the original is always the best. 😉
I so love the guys! Can’t wait for this new book! And OMG that cover!
Love them all but Hell and High Water is my favorite.
My favourite book in the series so far has been Rise & Fall. For many reasons, including seeing the darker side of Dex and also because of the progress made in Dex and Sloane’s relationship. That made me sooo happy! <3
I love all the books, though.
Beautiful cover, I love Sloane’s eyes looking out in the background. I’ve loved all the books but if I have to pick one I’ll go with Rise & Fall
I have two favorite THIRDS books. My first would be ‘Rise & Fall’ because it finally brings Team Sexy-Pants to a whole new level in their relationship. My second favorite is ‘Catch a Tiger by the Tail’ and honestly, it’s because I’m 100% Team Cobbs.
Rise and Fall was my favorite, because it was Dex and Sloane at their very best. If I were to pick a second, it would be Catch a Tiger by it’s Tail, because I love Hobbs so much.
Out of all the THIRDS books I’ve read so far, Smoke & Mirrors is definitely my favourite, tied with Rack & Ruin. I just love these two numbnuts so very much!
Catch a tiger by the tail is my favorite. Seeing Calvin and Ethan finally get it together and all the reveals in that story. …wonderful
I think it is mean to make us pick. 😉 But, if I have to, I will go with the first book because it is where we get to know all the characters and I loved reading about Dex and Sloane meeting and getting together.
Great cover for Smoke & Mirrors and the synopsis has me wanting to read it right now!
Absolutely love this cover!! It’s definitely hard to pick a favorite. There are pieces in each one that make me want to say it’s my favorite. But if I have to pick, I’d say Hell & High Water – it’s the one that brought Dexter J. Daley to life and made me love him and Sloane.
Love it! Since the first pages of the first book I’m hook, I think my favorite will be rise & fall. But a love them all.
Love the book cover
The cover is awesome!!! I think my favourite is Rise & Fall ^_^
I CAN’T WAIT!!!!! Gorgeous cover
Niceeee cover❤️❤️❤️❤️
My Thirds book favorite is Rise & Fall and Smoke & Mirrors. 😍😁
I’ve loved All The books but if I have To pick one I’ll go With Rise & Fall😍
I really can’t pick I love them all !!!
I love Blood and Thunder and Rack and Ruin the best, even though Hell and High Water is, imo, the funniest, with the first interactions of the characters, in both the relationships are more developed, but Rack and Ruin, where Ash and Dex work together because they both love Sloane, even though Ash is strongly opposed to keeping Sloane out of the loop. Just love all the emotional highs and lows. Let’s face it, though, as soon as Smoke and Mirrors is out we are all going to be so blown away as each book goes from strength to strength! Thank, Charlie.
I would choose the first, because of the intro to all the characters.
I can’t choose. I love them all. Can’t wait to read the next book:)
I guess my favourite one is whichever one I’m currently rereading or relistening to.
Thanks for the chance !
My favourite book till now is book 4 without contest. When I was about reading it, I was’nt too much excited. I was thingies that’s a kind of book where we won’t know something special about a specific couple. But when reading it, it appears that without focusing on one or two pepole, it was about everybody around there. I laughed, cried, screened and it was a wonderful reading time.
Am nervous and excited for this one! My favorite book is ash and cael they are my favorite couple
This is one of my favourite series.I’m looking forward to reading the new one.Thank you for the chance!
My favourite part (if I have to pick one – it’s like picking your favourite child – unfair and cruel) would be 4. And why? I loved seeing darker part of Dex personality. Besides, it is when the growth between Dex and Sloane’s relationship was the most significant. And that ending :D.
wonderful cover, maybe the best! can’t choose a book, i love them all
So hard to choose! But I love Hell and High Water and Catch a Tiger by the Tail but then Rise & Fall is also great. >_<
Love the cover <3
My Fav book is Rise and Fall because that is the one where Sloane says he loves Dex for the first time.
My favorite Thirds book is the first one because is the one that got me addicted to this series.
Picking a favorite THIRDS book is like choosing a favorite child. I’m not sure I could, but after reading the first chapter right now it’s Smoke & Mirrors. Charlie knows how to start a book, reaches right out and grabs you by the throat. Fantastic! I love the THIRDS verse.
Hell and High Water is my favourite. Just being the thing that started it all for me.
Love the cover and I’m looking forward to the book! I love this series so much I’m not sure I can pick a favorite book. Every time I almost type one, I think of another one that I love as much!
Blood & Thunder is my favorite 🙂
Wonderful beautiful cover >.< I'm so excited for the book! It's hard to pin which is my favorite since they're all so good.
How can you pick a favourite when you always wait for the next book in the series to see what happens next.
I suppose that makes the first book Hell & High Water the favourite because it started this journey.
I’m very much behind in the series & have only read up to Blood & Thunder so it’s very difficult to pick a favorite. However, I just read THIRDS Beyond the Books Vol. 1 and absolutely loved the behinds the scenes looks at the characters’ lives & the snippets of their pre-book days. So for now, that one is my favorite. I absolutely adore the cover for Smoke & Mirrors & look forward to adding it to my hoard.
Rise and Fall is definitely my fav so far. So fascinating to see the dark side of sweet and sunny Dexter J. Daley. Getting ready to read THIRDS: Beyond the Books Vol. 1, and counting the days until the release of Smoke & Mirrors.
“Against the Grain” because Ash and Cael are so sweet together!
Against the Grain. I love watching Ash become mush for Cael!
My favorite book is Against the Grain. Watching Ash trying to come to terms with his past in order to let Cael in. Cael giving him shade and eventually understanding that Ash needed space with his stubborn self.
I love the very first book the best. Because it introduced me to the series and and all the love/hate sexual tension between Dex & Sloane was so fun to read.
I dont have a favorite because I love the whole series! I can read and listen to my audiobooks over and over again! Thanks Charlie for these great books!!
Just one?! ….Blood and Thunder probably but I love them all!!
This cover is awesome and I can’t wait for more Dexter! <3
Oh man I don’t know if I can pick just one, but i’ll go with the first one since it made me fall in love with the series. I can’t wait for this to come out!! I just finished reading that first preview chapter and now the anticipation is killing me! I’m now impatiently waiting for July 🙂
I can’t wait for this book!!! Love THIRDS series.
I’ll say Hell & High Water, as it introduced us to all the main characters, plus Dex’s first day as a THIRDS agent (cheesy doodles, vending machine anyone?!). 😀
I hate choosing a favorite especially when the entire series is fantastic….BUT….I am going to go with Hell and High Water since it was what got me addicted to the series
Looking forward to the release! Doing a read of the other volumes. Love the team and anxious to read what happens next after the teasers.
Picking my favorite THIRDS book is hard but after thinking about it I would have to say Against the Grain. I love Ash and Cael’s story so much. I just want to hang out and go to the movies with Cael and nerd out over Star Wars with him. As for Ash, I love how intimidating he can be and that he doesn’t give a shit what people think about him, but on the inside he is just a big old fluffy lion who needs a hug 🙂
My favorite Thirds book is…is so hard too choose. I guess Blood and Thunder. When I think Thirds the bond training class with Dexter and Sloan is the first thing to pop in my head. Not the ear!
Rise and Fall did it for me because Dex got his ass in gear to protect Sloane in an Alpha like manner when his man was hurt.
I soon can’t wait for this book!!! I just love book all of them it’s too hard for me to just pick one!…
Book 1, Hell and High Water, because that’s where I fell in love with Dex and Sloane. I really love all and can’t wait for Smoke & Mirrors!