It begins with a message that David cannot ignore:
I want to see you.
He agrees, and on a cold winter’s night, David and Phillip will come together to sift through the wreckage of the memory of a life no longer lived.
David is burdened, carrying with him the heavy guilt of the past six years upon his shoulders.
Phillip offers redemption.
Dreamspinner Press
Kobo Books
What a vague blurb, eh?
I didn’t care… I knew who wrote it so I was like.. of course, I’m gonna read it and of course, I’m gonna love it! I wasn’t disappointed… Surprised? Absolutely, I was not prepared for this book. Not one bit.
I went into it knowing it was about David and Phillip. Knowing that they’d been through something traumatic together and that was about it…And oh, boy, did they. The worst thing imaginable as parents.
This story is the epitome of overwhelming sadness and how one copes with it. How easy it is to be angry when your grief is so profound that you don’t know what else to do but lash out or blame yourself to feel better. Or to feel worse… because you feel as if you deserve it, which is what David did
He carried everything on his shoulders and because he was drowning is his own grief, he forgot that he wasn’t the only one suffering. Pain will make you do that, though, won’t it?
My heart broke for both of these guys. Literally, I was a sobbing lunatic through the majority of this story. I wanted so badly for them to get the answers that they were looking for, but like life, sometimes it isn’t all fairytales and roses. If you’re lucky, you won’t have to go through those hard times alone and I was glad that they had each other and even when they were lost, that they found their way back to each other because they’d already lost so much I didn’t want them to lose anymore.
Sigh… It was a heartbreakingly tragic read, but so well worth it. You’d be a fool to pass this one up.
And even though he made me cry….again… like, ugly, psychotic looking, Farrah from teen mom, ugly face cry… I loved it.
5 pieces of eye candy
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