Hi! I’m Kim Fielding, and I’m so excited to be here today to reveal the cover of my new book, Love Is Heartless!
The cover is by the very talented Brooke Albrecht (http://brookealbrechtstudio.com/), who did a great job capturing the mood. The cover gives a nice sense of the setting—Portland, Oregon. And if you look closely at the wall, you’ll see some relevant graffiti.
This is the second book in the Love Can’t series. If you missed Love Can’t Conquer, the first book, you can easily read this one as a standalone. But if you’re familiar with the first book, I think you’ll be happy to learn that this one stars Nevin Ng, the sharp-dressing, foul-mouthed detective who’s friends with Jeremy Cox. Nevin is generally a confident guy, but some chance encounters with a bow-tied property developer are about to throw Nevin for a loop. Expect a lot of swearing, some mysterious murders, and some surprisingly sweet romance.
Intrigued by that cover? Story sounds like your cup of tea? You can preorder Love Is Heartless now. And you can enter to win an e-copy of Love Can’t Conquer, along with a $10 Dreamspinner gift certificate.
Small but mighty—that could be Detective Nevin Ng’s motto. Now a dedicated member of the Portland Police Bureau, he didn’t let a tough start in life stop him from protecting those in need. He doesn’t take crap from anyone, and he doesn’t do relationships. Until he responds to the severe beating of a senior citizen and meets the victim’s bow-tied, wealthy landlord.
Property manager and developer Colin Westwood grew up with all the things Nevin never had, like plenty of money and a supportive, loving family. Too supportive, perhaps, since his childhood illness has left his parents unwilling to admit he’s a strong, grown man. Colin does do relationships, but they never work out. Now he’s thinking maybe he won’t just go with the flow. Maybe it’s time to try something more exciting. But being a witness to a terrible crime—or two—was more than he bargained for.
Despite their differences, Colin and Nevin discover that sparks fly when they’re together. But sparks are short-lived, dampened by the advent of brutal crimes, and Colin and Nevin have seemingly little in common. The question is whether they have the heart to build something lasting.
Even though Colin had a head start, when he arrived at his building, the purple GTO was already there. In the fire lane. Colin generally stuck pretty close to the speed limit; Nevin, he suspected, did not. Colin pulled alongside Nevin’s car and lowered the passenger window. “You can’t park there,” he said loudly.
Nevin sat behind the wheel, tapping his fingers impatiently. “Nowhere else to park in your fucking neighborhood, is there? Not for the rabble, anyway.” He nodded toward the gated entrance to Colin’s lot.
“But it’s a red zone.”
“And every goddamn meter maid and gorilla in blue knows Julie. I’m not getting ticketed.”
Okay, so being a cop brought privileges. “What if there’s a fire?”
“Then your building goes up in flames, hundreds die, and you get to blame me. Satisfied?”
Colin had never been so tempted to wrap his hands around another person’s neck. It was lucky he couldn’t reach Nevin at the moment. “Fine. Meet me at my car.” He pulled away and into the lot.
Without exchanging more than a few grunts, they wrestled the heavy box across the street and up to Colin’s apartment. They had to put it down while Colin got out his keys and unlocked the door. “Don’t let Legolas out,” he warned as he turned the knob.
“My cat.”
They got the box inside, and Nevin kicked the door closed. “What kind of name is Legolas?”
“You know, the elf.” They set the AC down. “From Tolkien. Orlando Bloom was one of my first crushes.”
Nevin clearly had no idea what he was talking about.
“Lord of the Rings,” Colin explained.
“Never seen it.”
“You should. It wouldn’t wound your masculinity. It’s not Disney, there’s no singing, and no princesses.” He paused and thought for a moment. “Okay, there sort of is one. She’s an elf too. But mostly there’s a lot of fighting. Manly fighting.” He decided to omit the homoerotic undertones of Frodo and Sam’s relationship.
“I don’t watch that shit.”
“What do you watch? Car chases and explosions?”
Nevin shrugged. Then, instead of leaving, he ripped the flaps of the box open. “Gimme a hand.”
Dreamspinner Press eBook
Dreamspinner Press Paperback
Kim Fielding is the bestselling author of numerous m/m romance novels, novellas, and short stories. Like Kim herself, her work is eclectic, spanning genres such as contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, and historical. Her stories are set in alternate worlds, in 15th century Bosnia, in modern-day Oregon. Her heroes are hipster architect werewolves, housekeepers, maimed giants, and conflicted graduate students. They’re usually flawed, they often encounter terrible obstacles, but they always find love.
After having migrated back and forth across the western two-thirds of the United States, Kim calls the boring part of California home. She lives there with her husband, her two daughters, and her day job as a university professor, but escapes as often as possible via car, train, plane, or boat. This may explain why her characters often seem to be in transit as well. She dreams of traveling and writing full-time.
Website: http://kfieldingwrites.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/KFieldingWrites
Twitter: @KFieldingWrites
Rafflecopter giveaway! Enter to win an e-book of Love Can’t Conquer plus a $10 Dreamspinner gift certificate.
My new motto is “just chill.” Trying not to get worked up over the small stuff.
Thanks for the post. I love the cover on your new release! It is wonderful to see all these more creative covers coming out. The blurb sounds great, too.
Don’t fight your destiny, dance with it.
Congrats on the new book. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.
I forgot my motto…Do it your own way.
I forgot my motto….Do it your own way.
I don’t have a motto, I just go with the flow. 😉
I use an oldie but a goodie: What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.
I like this motto “Friends and Good Manners will Carry you where Money won’t go”
live and let live!
Love the question! I have two that go kind of go hand in hand: “Do so gently” and “don’t turn this moment into one you’ll regret.” The cover really is beautiful.
I think my motto in life is “Don’t sweat the small stuff”. I am quite relaxed and pragmatist kind of person 🙂
I think my motto would be, “Never give up.”
Look forward to the upcoming release, Kim. I think my motto is “there’s a silver lining in everything” – at least this I tell myself over and over despite my cynic tendency.
I don’t really have a motto but since I’ve discovered the joys of cruising I might say that I’ll go anywhere, any time as long as I can take my tablet/ereader. 🙂
This might sound cliche but I’ve always lived with the iconic motto, “Everything happens for a reason.” It makes me have this positive outlook towards life. Gives me hope & strength. =)
I’ve seen the cover already on DSP coming soon page & I find it really beautiful. Thanks, Kim. <3
My motto is “I’m going to stop procrastinating. Tomorrow.”
My motto is “want it done right? do it yourself.”
Let it be
I don’t really have a motto but if i did it would be:
“Be Yourself, Everybody Else Is Taken”
Love the cover!! and i already pre-orderd Love is Heartless
Happy Holiday’s
“Whatever doesn’t kill me better start running.” VERY EXCITED for Kim’s new book, I love her stories so much.
Live your life day by day!
A classic Miles Vorkosigan quote makes up my motto, it goes something like “there are some kinds of stupid you don’t have to be”. I quote it to myself often, especially when tempted to get into arguments on the internet.
Work hard and keeping going and one day your efforts will get noticed