My life sucks.
After spending a year jobless and on the edge of becoming homeless, I’d officially reached a level of desperation that, even if I wasn’t completely broke, retail therapy couldn’t fix.
While Sawyer’s Ferry, Alaska, is the last place on earth I’d ever want to visit, when my best friend, Holden, begs me to fly out and plan his wedding, I can’t say no. What I didn’t expect was to stumble into the administrative chaos at Copper Creek Brewing—or its too-hot-to-be-legal owner.
Clearly the man needs my help, and I’m willing to go above and beyond.
Way beyond.
I am screwed.
Six months after my assistant up and quit, I’m not any closer to finding a replacement, and things at the brewery are starting to fall apart.
And then in walks Frankie. He’s not the typical guy you’d find in these parts, and he brings with him a world of confusion. Because as much as I need his help, I can’t seem to keep my eyes—or hands—off him.
He’s supposed to be getting my life in order, but instead there’s a chance he could turn everything upside down.
Amazon – Kindle Unlimited
Straight ahead, I could see miles and miles of open ocean. Islands dotted the distance between me and the blue horizon. Seagulls, the shit-hawks of the sea, had always seemed mangy and diseased back in New York, scamming french fries off tourists and scavenging garbage cans for scraps. But here, they were graceful and elegant as they glided through the air, riding the gusts of wind coming up from the cliffs below.
“Pretty spectacular, huh?” Barrett said.
“It’s amazing.” I closed my eyes and held on to the railing as the salt-crusted breeze kissed my face. I inhaled, pulling the scent of the sea deep into my lungs and holding it there, like it might heal all the broken parts of me.
I opened my eyes to find Barrett watching me so intensely I was breathless all over again.
He stepped closer, crowding me against the railing. I had the open ocean at my back and a wall of man at my front. I swallowed hard, my brain scrambling to make sense of the situation.
Barrett lifted his hand, brushing one of my curls to the side, his fingers lingering to twist the hair loosely around his knuckle. I stood, struck dumb as he combed his fingers through my hair. The sensation of it sparked shivers down my spine, and when he tightened his grip, tugging my head back to look at him, I whimpered.
In that moment, Barrett owned me, and even if he hadn’t had such a tight hold on me, I couldn’t have moved. I might never move again.
He leaned in closer.
“Barrett,” I whispered.
“I have to tell you something.”
“What’s that?” His voice made me tremble.
“I don’t think you’re straight.”
He slowly lifted one eyebrow. “Frankie?” he whispered.
“Shut up.”
The air between us sizzled with tension as he tightened his grip and leaned forward and gently nudged my nose with his. I tilted my head, begging him to kiss me. My whole body was lit up, every cell aware of him. I’d never been so desperate for anything.
He brushed his lips against mine, not a kiss, just a simple touch, and I was going insane. He chuckled softly, his breath ghosting against my mouth I wanted to kick him or scream. He was torturing me, and I hated it, but at the same time, I didn’t want it to stop.
Finally, when I was right on the precipice of dying in his arms, he closed the last of the space and kissed me.
For real.
The slow-playing Barrett of a moment before was gone, and left in his place was a man who knew how to kiss, who took what he wanted. It was consuming and dizzying and so fucking good my knees almost gave out.
Between the course scrape of his beard against my skin, the tight grip of his hands on me, and the demandingness of his mouth on mine, I was fucking putty in his hands.
He spun me, pressing me against the rough brick, his hand braced on the window frame. I slid my hands into his hair, holding on to him, drawing out the kiss like it was the only thing tethering me to earth.
I am so in love with this series, and we finally get Frankie!
If you don’t remember Frankie, I urge you to go back and read Gage and Holden’s story, as he’s Holden’s bestie from New York. He’s crazy, in-your-face and unapologetic about who he is and I love that so much about him. So, after losing his job when Holden’s dad’s company went under, he’s been staying with his cousin Gia, who just told him she’s pregnant again, and their already small apartment was about to get smaller…. So, he needed to find someplace else to go…. Enter Holden with a great idea… Come to Sawyers Ferry and plan his wedding !!!
He grumbled about it, sure, but how can you not fall in love with the place. I knew he would. I’m not sure if this is a real place… but if it’s not, I want to wish it real and go visit all these hot guys and their family-like community. So, in all his grumbling about being their glory, he stumbles upon brewery owner, Barrett.
Barrett is firmly in the closet with both doors closed and married to his work. Broody and gorgeous, I hoped for someone amazing for him, and getting to know him, I would not have pegged Frankie to be his type, but I think that’s why they work so well with me. They’re complete opposites.
While volunteering to help Barrett get his office into shape in the few months he’ll be in town, the chemistry between the two is intense, but with Barrett so deep in the closet and Frankie being born already out of it… I was afraid that Frankie was going to get hurt. Little did I know, when Barrett stopped avoiding his feelings for Frankie, he pulled out all the stops in wooing him and showing him how he felt. He was romantic and sweet and not at all the broody guy we thought we knew. With Frankie, he was open to learn who he was and what he liked, and all the while, they were developing deep feelings for each other, it was cute to watch, but sad because you knew there was a deadline on their time together.
It was rocky, that’s for sure… there were some parts that broke my heart for both of them, because it was so obvious that they belonged together…. But like every part of this series, even the heartbreak is worth it in the end. Barrett doesn’t go down without a fight…. I loved him all the more for what he did and how he did it, and I cannot wait to see what’s next for these guys, as well as everyone else we’ve met and have yet to meet.
What an awesome addition to an amazing series…
“I have some deliveries to make in Juneau, and I thought you might like to come along. Get out of the confines of this town for a few days. See more of Alaska than the Sawyer’s Ferry town square.”
“Count me in.”
“I’ll pick you up at six tomorrow morning,”
“I changed my mind. Bring me back something nice.”
5 Pieces of Eye Candy
Leave a comment on the post. Congratulate Cate on her new release, let her know your thoughts on the excerpt, etc, and you could win something from her extensive backlist!
Congrats on the new release Cate! Sounds like a good book.
Congrats on the release. I am looking forward to reading this one.
I haven’t started this series yet, but I will soon!
Love the series. Congrats on the new addition to the series.
Sounds really good! Congratulations!