The sporty roommate, the professor, and a history lesson…
Ezra might be the most annoying roommate ever. He’s loud, obnoxious, and full of himself. So what if he’s a tall, muscular, tattooed jock? His tendency to strip to his boxers in the kitchen while helping himself to my food isn’t endearing in the slightest. Nope. Ezra has to go.
However, I have to admit, he’s the perfect fit to play the king for my historic reenactment event. Ezra in a royal robe…oh, this could be quite tantalizing indeed.
He might do it…if he loses a bet.
Holden is the kind of dude who wears top hats and great coats while teaching astrophysics to brainiacs. Weird, right? But I gotta respect that level of commitment. And I respect him.
Sadly, Holden doesn’t feel the same way about me.
I guess I can’t blame him. Cranking his gears has been the highlight of my stint in geek land. I’ve never seen anyone get riled about yogurt like him. He makes me laugh. And think. And want things I’d never thought possible.
So yeah, I’ll take that history lesson. And if it leads to something more, I’m in.
Love and History is a bi-awakening geek/jock romance featuring a messy law student, a picky professor, and a lesson neither will forget!
Title: Love and History
Authors: Lane Hayes
Length: 64K
Series: The Script Club, Book 6
Genre: Contemporary.
Tropes: Geek/Jock, Bi-awakening, enemies to lovers, roommates to lovers, romantic comedy.
Amazon – Kindle Unlimited – All Regions
An awkward silence stretched between us, making it difficult to breathe. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t touch him. This wasn’t okay.
“Are you all right?”
I released my grip on his neck and sat beside him, wringing my hands fretfully. “No, I’m sorry. I can’t pretend that didn’t happen. I kissed you and—”
“And I liked it.”
“You…I don’t—” I squinted as if that would help me understand him. “That was supposed to be a joke kiss.”
“Got it. I didn’t think it was real,” he replied logically. “We’re roommates.”
“I know,” I whispered.
Ezra cocked his head. “You want to do it again?”
Yes, I did. I one thousand percent wanted to kiss him again. I wanted to touch him too and—
Wait. He was joking.
“Why can’t you be serious about…anything?” I licked my lips nervously and plucked at my duvet.
“I am serious,” he replied with an inscrutable smile. “I told you I liked it. A lot.”
Still joking.
Or was he?
The scientist in me wanted to get off this roller coaster and dissect the moment the world tilted on its axis because something new was happening here. I could practically feel the sizzle of electricity in the air.
“It’s a bad idea. You don’t even like me, Ezra.”
He almost looked hurt as he shook his head and inched away from me.
“That’s so far from true, it isn’t funny. My problem is that I like you too much.”
He frowned. “You know what? Let’s pretend I didn’t just say that. In fact, let’s agree to collective amnesia about…all of this. Although, let’s be real, a kiss isn’t really a big deal. People make out all the time—girl with guy, girl with girl, guy with guy. Sometimes it’s real, sometimes it’s an itch or an experiment. I met a cute girl on day one of Coachella and…”
I tuned him out as confusion wrestled with a tsunami of desire. I’d spent months ignoring my inexplicable attraction to this man. We were hostile and often waspish foes who couldn’t find common ground to communicate.
But I didn’t want to hear about other people he’d kissed.
I wanted…
I wanted—
I roughly grabbed his neck and crashed my mouth over his.
It’s fun, it’s cute, it’s jock/nerd but a little older. That in between age when they are done with college, or almost done with college, working on master’s degrees or waiting to take the bar exam. Kind of waiting for life to start, straddling the line between total adult and college kid.
And with that goes roommates. Because who can afford a place on their own nowadays? We also add in a bi awakening. Or a bi acting on it? Ezra had a good inkling that he was bi but he never acted on it. And never told anyone. In fact, his reason for not telling his bff was to not steal his thunder. Which is cute.
Ezra does some stupid things to get Holden to notice him more. Walking around in his underwear. Eating Holden’s food. Leaving a mess in the kitchen. He might has well have pulled Holden’s pig tails.
So of course Holden hates Ezra. Except he doesn’t. Because he is hot af. And a nice guy. And pretty smart.
The conflict was a little odd. I really didn’t get that whole student/boss situation. Didn’t make a ton of sense, mostly how the student acted.
Another jock/nerd cute story where the nerd is actually super hot and the jock and actually smart and they love happily ever after.
It was a decent book. I guess I am just over this trope.
3.5 pieces of eye candy
Lane Hayes loves a good romance! An avid reader from an early age, she has always been drawn to well-told love story with beautifully written characters. Her debut novel was a 2013 Rainbow Award finalist and subsequent books have received Honorable Mentions, and were winners in the 2016, 2017, 2018-2019, and 2020-2021 Rainbow Awards. She loves red wine, chocolate and travel (in no particular order). Lane lives in Southern California with her amazing husband in a not quite empty nest.
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