Niall’s never known anything but betrayal. All Mat wants is Niall’s heart. What will it take for him to coax Niall in from the cold?
Mat’s connection with Niall is tenuous; one step forward, two steps back. Since that night on the beach Niall’s been avoiding Mat like a bad case of the flu–which, ironically, most of his deputies have come down with. What will it take for Niall to truly believe Mat wants him for who he is?
Mat’s overworked, Niall’s unnerved, and then things really go sideways.
Will a killer destroy everything before Niall realizes they are stronger together than apart?
Long Shadow is a dual POV about a broody introvert and a somewhat patient Sheriff. Mat’s going to have to prove to Niall he’s the man for him. The Hamarsson and Dempsey series follows the same couple as they find their way to their happily ever after.
Amazon – Kindle Unlimited
Okay, this one took me a little bit to get into because I needed a refresher on book one and I honestly didn’t feel like I could handle the back and forth. I understand the one step forward, two steps back, especially after you get to know Niall, but it did take me a minute to get into because Matt was so endlessly patient and Niall was just prickly. I had forgotten that from last book so I had to go back and do a reread. Reading them together, I kind of fell in love with both of them.
They’re complete opposites in every way, the only thing they seem to have in common is law enforcement. Matt has a wonderful family and will do anything for his and Niall is very anti-family with none left. While Nial’s trying to work out what to do with his life now that he’s retired and tie up a few loose ends, he can’t keep his mind off of Matt. But seeing if he’s got what it takes to make something work with him is put on hold when an arsonist is busy at work on the island and most of Matt’s precinct is sick with the flu. It keeps him busy and distracted enough to give Nial the space he’s trying to give him as to not push him for anything he may not be able to give. With the history between them, he isn’t sure.
So the romance part takes a sideline to the mystery, but it’s always there, kinda smoldering in the background. While the guys’ are trying to find the source of all the chaos on the island, Niall opens himself up little bit by little bit, unable to keep Matt and his family at a distance because they’re all so open and accepting of him, even in his prickliness. I kinda loved them all.
With a lot of real-life situations, especially when you’re confused like Niall was, the thought of losing what you’re unsure about has a way of making up your mind. Once Niall thought he lost Mike, he realized how much he cared about him and how silly his doubts seemed. And that epilogue… I swooned!
I dunno what could possibly happen in book three but I’m bummed we have to wait until next year to see. I’m invested. I’d definitely recommend reading book one before jumping into this one, but if you like a broody hot cop and a sensitive family-oriented hot cop with some murder and mystery thrown in for good measure… you’ll love this one.
4 pieces of eye candy