Flirting with the devil can lead to a helluva good time.
Gabriel is a regular angel. The former altar boy plans to graduate from college, become an accountant, get a good job, find a wife, and live a faithful Catholic life.
But one Halloween night, the devil pops in out of nowhere, challenges everything he believes, and heats up Gabriel’s lonely life.
Marcello is full of the devil. He’s lusted after Gabriel forever, but what he really wants is Gabriel’s eternal soul. Still, his mischievous sense of humor, along with his tricks and jokes, leads to a misunderstanding that could condemn him to hell on Earth. Only the truth will let these souls find true love and happiness.
Title: Gabriel and the Devil
Author: Robert P. Rowe
Release Date: January 4, 2019
Category: Contemporary
Pages: 104
Dreamspinner Press
Guest Post by Robert P. Rowe
It’s pretty hard to write about the devil without including more than a few nuggets of spirituality. I’m a recovering Catholic who has embraced a healthy dose of New Age philosophy. I’ve even included some reading resources in the back matter of this novella for those curious about the topic.
New Age philosophies can help one to understand gay romance. Reincarnation is a big part of the philosophy along with learning various lessons in each and every life. In one life one might be slave master and in the next life a lowly slave. This allows us all to see the world from multiple points of view. And we don’t always come back with the same gender. Often men are expected to experience a power roll in life while women are expected to be more subservient. Yet we’ve all met that alpha woman who dominates all around her, sometimes by size and sometimes by shear force of presence. Perhaps she has spent most of her previous lifetimes as a man and has come back to experience life as a woman?
In the same way a gay man may enter this world in search of that soul mate who just so happens to be gay too. Our souls are much more fluid and free than our mortal bodies.
Dreamspinner Press has one of the most amazing editorial departments. Each author is assigned a senior editor and then three more editors will also review the manuscript. I pay close attention to these experts, especially when one doesn’t quite understand something I’ve written.
That was the case with my use of the term soul mates. For many New Age thinkers soul mates are understood to be anyone whom we share a close spiritual tie to here on Earth. We likely share the same tie on the other side. But one editor believed that soul mates were exclusively romantic love interests. Because she questioned the term I realized that others might too. That gave me a chance to further develop my characters with the question while educating my readers with the answer.
My sister is one of my soul mates here on Earth. We can simply think to hard about the other and the phone will ring. But she’s not alone. I’ve shared that same psychic connection with a number of my friends and exes. A therapist once told me about a patient who didn’t believe in ghosts, yet felt he’d had a close encounter with one. The therapist explained that you don’t have to believe the unexplainable, you just have to accept it.
I’m sure that Alexander Graham Bell would find today’s mobile phones unbelievable, but who among us doesn’t simply accept them?
It’s the same with faith. Faith is a belief in something that cannot be proven. My characters have faith. They follow their hearts to do what they feel is right. Hopefully they can share their faith with you and maybe even can capture your heart.
Well, I’m not going to lie, I didn’t see that coming. 🙂 Which is to say I was pleasantly surprised at the turn of events with Gabe and Marcello.
Gabriel had a lot of learning and growing to do, and although Marcello helped him to understand more about himself, and who he loved, I think Father Christopher had an even bigger impact. I was so surprised and fascinated with the turn that Father Christopher took, and helped to bring Gabriel back around.
This love story started one way, and completely turned on me, and I couldn’t have been happier. I was disappointed with Gabriel, and his mental method of closing off that side of him, and yet Gabriel, and later Father Christopher helped him to open up his mind, and his heart even more.
I can’t say anything more, because honestly you need to read it to understand…plus no spoilers here…but taking a story that starts lighthearted and fun, and turning it into a spiritual journey, and still touching the reader…that was not an easily task Robert P. Rowe set for himself, but he came through on it.
4 pieces of eye candy
Robert P. Rowe has spent his entire career as a storyteller making an incredible leap from Disneyland ride operator to show-designer and art director at Walt Disney Imagineering. Immersive storytelling presents a distinctive challenge unlike that of live theater, film, radio, or print media. He is currently on staff as an art director for Universal Orlando. His many other works can be found around the world, primarily in Disney and Universal Studios parks.
His “real” job takes up much of his time, but his active imagination can’t stop dreaming up new stories. Whenever time permits, he’s writing about new characters off on their own incredible journeys.
Additionally, his outside interests include all aspects of architecture, with a specific fascination for the theatrical design of homes from midcentury movies and television. He has a keen enthusiasm for midcentury science fiction.