Lake: Did you get his number this time?
Cameron: Yes. But I’m not sure I should use it so soon.
Lake: What’s soon? Didn’t you last see him yesterday?
Cameron: I thought you’re meant to wait three days? Otherwise it looks desperate.
Lake: You are desperate.
Cameron: Thanks.
Lake: From everything you’ve told me, sounds like this could be something.
Cameron: You think?
Lake: Message him. Keep it sexy.
~ ~ ~
When it comes to romance books, Cameron Morland can always read between the lines. When it comes to real romance, he may need a dictionary.
Or Jane.
~ ~ ~
It’s Northanger Abbey, complete with a neo-gothic mansion and charming misunderstandings. But contemporary. And gay.

Amazon – Kindle Unlimited

Another modern day retelling of a Jane Austen classic, although I’d venture to guess a lesser known classic. And I loved it.
Cameron, the shy scriptwriter, living in his brother’s shadow, ignored at best by his father who’s friends are off traveling for work. He loves books- especially Austen as he feels that it brings him closer to his mother who died when he was a baby. So when he meets Henry- in an interesting and strange way- and English teacher, he is smitten. Unfortunately, he is also being pursued by his new neighbors. A brother and sister who are renting the house of his friends next door. The brother in romantic pursuit and the sister in a best friend pursuit. More on that later.
This book was just so fun. There was a *tiny* bit of angst involving fathers, but hardly the crux of the plot line. Cameron and Henry took it very slowly. Wooing each other through text messages, emails, and even written letters. All while being thwarted by the neighbors, John and Isabella.
I love when stories involve written communication like that. Yes, everyone texts these days, but when Cameron can be so much more open with written words than face to face, they get to know each other really well.
John and Isabella though- ugh. I wanted to slap them both. John for being ridiculously pushy, arrogant and trying to steamroll Cameron into a relationship he didn’t want. And Isabella who really seemed like she just wanted the eye rolling “gay bestie”. Whereas Henry’s sister wanted to be friends with Cameron because of him. And because her brother was smitten.
I was missing a little of Cameron’s work life. I know what he wants to do, but not actually what he does.
You don’t need to know anything of the original story to thoroughly enjoy this one.
4.5 pieces of eye candy