Unbreakable Stories: Rowe is a collection of short stories following the romantic adventures and misadventures of former Army Rangers turned security experts Rowe Ward and Noah Keegan following the events of Torch, book 3 of the Unbreakable Bonds series.
This collection is more than 30,000 words long and contain stories such as:
Piece of Pie
And many more…
Kobo Books
Drake & Elliott have mastered another hit! Unbreakable Stories: Rowe is the compilation of shorts of Noah & Rowe and they are absolutely hilarious, sweet & s. There is not much more to say that I haven’t said in previous reviews. I adore this series and it will forever be in my top 5 of all time. Drake & Elliott are a dynamic duo that I hope continue writing together for years to come.
Noah & Rowe had everything…
Impressive writing – check
Good flow of each story – check
Witty – check
Sweet – check
Sexy – check
The stories that Drake & Elliot create are full of family and love. Every time I read a new story (short or long) with the Unbreakable Men I get ALL. THE. FEELS. My favorite short was Mistletoe. The warmth and love you feel Noah has for Rowe is gut clenching. Noah will do anything to make Rowe feel loved during the holidays and the reindeer games they play definitely did the trick. I love getting a glimpse into their lives and seeing a little bit more of how they are so well matched as partners.
I hope Drake & Elliott continue to do little shorts (or a full length) of the Unbreakable characters. I don’t want to ever let them go. Well done Ladies – Keep the stories coming!
4.5 pieces of eye candy
Why can I not get enough of these men? I just love all the men in this series, and they are written so well by Drake & Elliott, I have to wonder how anyone will be able to get enough. I almost NEVER beg for additional stories on characters, mostly because often it seems when they have achieved their happy ending, then there isn’t much to tell about them.
However, these two authors have written such an incredible series, with characters who are so true to life, so diverse in personalities, that I cannot imagine how any of them could be boring. Adding these stories after their happy endings are such a joy to read. You learn more about their lives, their pasts, their wants, all the hot sex they have, and mostly about how the relationships between all these men continue to strengthen bonds built over many years.
Rowe’s stories are no exception. We see the fun side of Rowe and Noah, as they mess with their oh so serious friends. And we see the tender side, as we learn more about Rowe’s deceased wife, and his sister in law. The tears were flowing…in a short story. THAT is hard to do. For an author to bring a connection to a reader based on a short story is an incredible gift, yet these ladies do it so well.
I can’t help but hope that we get more scenes, maybe even more books, even as I know that these two will be working on a spin off series that I have no doubt will rock my world. Their writing draws me in, creates some serious magic, and then spits me out the other side, wrung out from the feels, but still happy as can be that I get to have a little of that in my life.
Well done, ladies…well done.
4.5 pieces of eye candy
For a chance to win an ebook copy of any of the Unbreakable Bonds books (including the stories), tell us, have you read any of the books in this series? If not why (okay, run now!), and if so, which one is your favorite?
I’ve read all the books in the series back-to-back! I can’t pick a favorite that’s too hard but Rowe and Ian are just adorable!
I haven’t read any of them. Why? #toomanybookstoolittletime 🙂
I read them and love them!
I have not read them yet however I have most of them in my TBR
I have not as yet read any of this series. I must have missed them. So many book so little time.
Thank you for the review. I keep meaning to give Jocelynn Drake’s m/m stuff a read since her paranormal stuff is so good.
I’ve read the first two only!