Unprepared, ill-equipped, and with no example to look back on, Ty and Chase embarked on a journey to build a family for Ava and Luc that would far exceed anything they dreamed of for themselves. Two years later, they’ve succeeded beyond their wildest expectations, but there’s still a couple of things missing…and they’re ready to make them happen.
Bad boy biker Trick wouldn’t hesitate to fight for those he loves, but Ty knows it will take more than violence to win this war. Willfully submissive Chase has the utmost faith in his Master, but when he sees Ty struggling with demons from his past, it will be his quiet, unbending support that will see them through. Jumping through the loopholes of family court, they are only one event shy of making it all official and neither are willing to wait another second to check it off the list.
Clearing the path for adoption should reassure them, but it will take their cast of well-meaning friends and the occasional slap upside the head before they realize that the ties that bind them together are forged in a love that can never be taken away.
Author: Jessie G
Book: Tys That Bind
Series: Devils Pride MC #3 (series should be read in order)
Key Words: Gay Romance, Adoptions & Weddings, Contemporary Romance
Cover Artist: Andrew Reyna
Release Date: March 31, 2017
I asked Denise for a prompt to get this posted started and she asked me to talk about the differences between writing happy stories versus angst/action-driver stories. To be honest, I don’t sit down and think “this book has to be” whatever. I let the characters determine the levels of angst to sweet. Either way, as a firm believer in happily ever after, all my stories come with that guarantee. But the road to such an ending is rarely easy. Like real life, everyone has a journey, and every couple faces problems. It’s how they deal with them without ever losing each other that makes a real life HEA.
A wedding & adoption book may lend itself to the writing happy, but both occasions are rife with hurdles to overcome. I try to make these sequels about the growth of my couples, not only to see how far they’ve come but to show them taking the next steps in their relationship. For Red and Bull, and Chris and Owen, it made sense to write super sweet, romantic stories that hovered on too sappy.
There was no way that could work for Ty and Chase, thankfully, because I really want each book to be as different as I can make them. In this case, looking forward and taking those next steps comes with some serious introspection that provides the angst that we expect from Ty. From a secret wedding in one of the most people locations in Miami, to officially making it official, all the feelings are there in true non-mushy fashion…mostly. Part of the reconciliation of Trick and Ty, and the growth of his character overall, is the realization that having feelings for isn’t the detriment he once believed it could be.
Does that mean we’ll see a full-on sappy/mushy Ty in the future? Probably only when Ava wants to wear her princess crown.
Jessie’s store on Gumroad
Check out Deanna’s 5 pieces of eye candy review here!
You never know what you are going to get with a Jessie G book. Sometimes she will rip my heart out, make it into mincemeat, and bring me to the other side with an HEA (because she always does that) or sometimes I will read the book and just enjoy having an established couple living their lives, working through all the struggles couples have, but finding more of their HEA.
Tys that Bind is the latter. Ty and Chase had to go through so much to find their HEA in Tricking Chase. When they found Ty’s sister’s children, they became an instant family of four, with all the struggles that must go along with that. This novella was all about completing that family, making it unable to be severed under the law. And it was done in spectacular Ty and Chase fashion. Quiet, with just the two of them there for their wedding-and you will see that it truly is only the two of them for the most important part of their wedding, the vows. A party was thrown in there, as well, because what is a book in the world that Jessie created without the entire family finding a reason to celebrate. 🙂
One of the things that I love about Jessie’s books is that not only do the characters think, introspect and figure out all the reasons WHY they are doing or going to do what they do…but she brings the reader along for the ride. The reader finds that you can’t (and don’t want to) zone out, sometimes reading words and not comprehending. You are fully engaged in intelligent introspection with the character, and that is something special. That is something you will not get with a lot of authors. Jessie provides that in spades.
This family got their true HEA, a hard fought battle from beginning to end, but worth every second, as the characters tell the reader.
4 pieces of eye candy
Like many readers, the dream of being a writer has been with me a long time. After three decades of trying, I’d begun to doubt. Thanks to social media, I followed my favorite authors hoping to glean some words of wisdom as I pounded out half-formed ideas with alarming regularity. Two repetitive themes emerged: to be a great writer you must read a lot and your butt must be in the chair every day like it’s a job. The more you write, the easier it will be to write and the better you will be at writing. I took that advice to heart and write every day. With three series in the works and a full schedule of releases planned for the next two years, it’s been amazing to have made this dream my reality.
I am a firm believer in marriage equality, love at first sight, power dynamics, and happily ever after. I’m a lover of strong secondary characters, and series filled with families—biological or chosen. All are themes you’ll find throughout my books.
Where to Find Me
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/author/jessieg
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/jessiegbooks
Website: http://www.jessiegbooks.com
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Thanks for the review, I’m new to Jessie G so it help to give me idea what to expect from the book.
And congrats cum best wishes to Jessie for her latest book release!
Thank you for hosting my guys and for that lovely review. I want to wish everyone luck in the rafflecopter!
Thanks for hosting. Sounds like a good book can’t wait to read it.
Thank you for hosting the giveaway! I haven’t read a book by Jessie G yet but I’ll have to remedy that.
Jessie G is a new-to-me author. This books sounds good.