In a matter of days, Dex has been kidnapped, tortured, killed, revived, become half Therian, offered the chance to become a spy, and accepted a proposal to marry his jaguar Therian boyfriend, Sloane Brodie. It’s been a lot to take in, and although Dex is still trying to wrap his head around everything that’s happened, he knows he has to move forward.
After the events of Smoke & Mirrors, Dex and Sloane find themselves in one of the most frightening situations of all: revealing the truth to their Destructive Delta family. When the dust settles, nothing will ever be the same, and it’s up to Dex to prove that in the face of change, the one thing that will always remain the same is family.
Title: Thick & Thin
Series: THIRDS: Book Eight
Author: Charlie Cochet
Release Date: February 1, 2017
Category: Mystery/Suspense; Paranormal: Werewolves/Shifters, Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 95
Dreamspinner Press
Kobo Books
Every time I read something by Charlie Cochet, I am so impressed. She continues to amaze me with the depth she adds to all her work, whether its a THIRDS novella or her holiday series. Thick & Thin is no exception. It isn’t just the depth of the characters or emotions that are so impressive. The depth of the stories are so multi-leveled that although these COULD be read as stand alone, a reader would miss so much of the setup for future, from beginning to end.
To start Hell & High Water with Dex, and learning quickly in that book that his parents were killed in the riots, when he was only 5 years old, to then come full circle to Thick & Thin, and get a better understanding of what actually happened takes planning, plotting and more planning. In book 2, you see set up that comes to fruition several books later, and so on.
With Thick & Thin, Charlie takes a short novella, packs a super punch, leaves the reader hanging (only slightly), and wanting more of what is ahead for the entire family of Destructive Delta. In addition, this was a necessary component to the series. Although people have been dying for the next book, this was needed to prepare the reader for what was coming. Her completion of one or two story arcs, in a 95 page novella, and setup for Seb and Hudson’s book is such a great balance of loving what you’re reading, and wanting what is ahead.
Sometimes in a book series with so many books, the reader can get bored, and move on, yet there is absolutely no chance this reader (or most) is moving on, and the second I get my hands on book 9, I will be hiding away from the world so that I can soak up every word of it.
Not a single spoiler! You NEED to read this! That is all. 🙂
4.5 pieces of eye candy
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Happy release day to Charlie, I know lots of THIRDS Nerds are waiting for this book. And thank you Denise for the review! 🙂
Thank you for the review! I can’t wait to read this one!
Congrats on the new release, Charli. Looking forward to reading it.
I have this on preorder. Should be getting it today.
Thank you for the review! I love the THIRDS series and look forward to reading this latest installment.
Congratulations on your new release Charlie it’s great to read another great story from the Thirds World.
This series sounds so good. I need to make time to start it!
Happy release day! I’m really looking forward to giving this a read.
I was waiting so (im)patiently for this and I was not disappointed LOL, just left me waiting eagerly for more
Really enjoyed, love the Thirds guys. So excited for Seb and Hudson’s book and seeing where the team go next.
Thanks for the review. I can’t wait to read it.
So glad (in a way) that there’s no spoilers here, lol. I’ve just finished Rack&Ruin, and have a massive crush on Ash. I’ve already spoiled myself a bit, and enjoy the series immensely. Can’t wait to catch up!
Thank you for taking the time to line all this out for people. This particular article was in fact really helpful if you ask me.