No strings. No names. No repeats. Archie Jones and Zack Lorrimer-Grant’s ground rules have always kept them safe – until now.
Getting down and dirty with anonymous hook-ups is a game Archie and Zack have always played. It keeps life fresh and exciting and everybody’s having fun. Aren’t they?
Archie isn’t. The hook-ups stopped being fun long ago. It’s a game he wishes he’d never started and he wants to stop playing. Now. Right now.
The men keep Zack’s fear at bay. Fear that without them, Archie will realise Zack alone will never be enough to make him truly happy.
Terry Franklin isn’t a hook-up. He’s far more dangerous, and Archie is determined to do whatever it takes to keep the man out of their bed and out of their life.
Where Archie sees a threat, Zack sees a kindred spirit. Terry is the lifeline Zack never knew he needed, but this lifeline could mean the death of him and Archie…
The Story of Love is the second in the Urban Love Contemporary Gay Romance series but can be read as a stand-alone. If you love your MM romance laced with angst and high emotion and your MCs complex, multi-faceted men facing up to and overcoming challenges against all the odds, A E Ryecart’s story of Archie and Zack will leave you breathless.
Note: The Story of Love is an MM romance, not MMM.
Author Name: A E Ryecart
Book Name: The Story of Love
Series: Urban Love
Book: Two (Can be read as a standalone)
Release Date: May 19, 2016
Pages or Words: 75,500 words
Categories: Contemporary, Erotic M/M Romance, M/M Romance
Publisher: A E Ryecart
Cover Artist: Kari Ayasha
“Hey, sleepyhead, wake up.” Archie gave a soft tug on Zack’s hair.
Zack yawned and stretched and opened his eyes. He reached up and ran his forefinger over Archie’s lips. Archie caught it and sucked it into the warmth of his mouth.
“You can have something else of mine in your mouth, if you want,” Zack said.
Archie’s eyes narrowed, and he released Zack’s finger with a wet smack.
“In front of all these people watching a romantic sunset? Mr Lorrimer-Grant, you are nothing more than a dirty slut.”
“Which is why you love me and I love you.”
Silence wrapped around them shutting out the noise of the crowds and the traffic from the road behind. As Zack gazed up at Archie, the world stopped turning. Archie hadn’t responded, hadn’t said that he loved him back. The warm air felt dense and heavy, like a huge weight had settled on his chest as the words he needed to hear were left unsaid. His chest tightened and grew heavier. Zack tried to fill his lungs with the warm night air, but it was no good.
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A E Ryecart writes mm romance/gay fiction. Filled with angst, high drama and emotional tension, she writes the books she likes to read. An avid people watcher, most of her writing takes place in a local café amidst the background hum of hissing coffee machines, where she can check out the other customers for character and story inspiration!
A born and bred Londoner, she may have moved to someplace more leafy but the city is still very much part of her DNA, which is why her books are set in and around present-day London providing a thrilling, metropolitan backdrop to the main action.
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