Almost 15 years ago a brutal attack by a violent psychopath changed everything.
In Violence Begets… despite horrific child abuse, Rick St. James and Kevin Vincent were able to find love in each other. They discovered that violence only begat violence when they allowed it to.
They had a choice.
They chose love.
Now Rick’s little brother is faced with the same painful reality that Rick once had to endure. Returning home to help his brother causes the nightmares of the past to crash and merge with the demons of the present.
Love is put to the test and it may not be strong enough to survive The Cycle!


First things first. If you have not read the first book, Violence Begets– stop what you are doing, buy it and read it. Then come back here. You absolutely cannot read this book without reading the first.
It has been a week since I finished this book. And still I don’t think that my review will even come close to doing it justice. This is a brutal read. It is heartbreaking. It is beautiful. It is fascinating. It will very likely trigger a lot of people for various reasons. There was a big unexpected trigger for me in the book which left me with quite a bit of introspection.
How do I review a book and beg you to read it when I know what a difficult read it is? This is the book to push you out of your comfort zone. But like I said, you had to have read book 1 and if you did, you pretty much know what you are in for. I also REALLY don’t want to give anything away.
This is an amazing details driven book that relies heavily on psychology. Seeing what makes people tick, how it affects them and those around them and how one seemingly small thing can bring it all crashing back.
Jump out of your comfort zone. Read Violence Begets if you haven’t, then read this. Although I suggest giving yourself some happy reads in between.
If you already did read Violence Begets, you must read The Cycle.
Pieces of Candy: 5