Hitting rock bottom is just the beginning…
I’m a son, a brother, a friend.
A writer.
An addict.
Cardiac arrest isn’t enough to keep me dead, though. The doctors brought me back, but for what?
At twenty four I’ve already achieved what most people do in a life time. I’m a successful author, own a flat in the heart of London and drive my dream sports car.
Or at least that’s what people see.
Once the spotlight fades, I’m left alone with my overactive mind, alcohol and drugs the only way to quiet down the noise.
Until an overdose nearly kills me and drags everyone I love down with me.
With the help of my best friend, I leave London and its toxic influence behind, moving to a small town in the outskirts of Cambridge to try and put my life back together again.
If only it were that easy.
Amazon – Kindle Unlimited
I finished this book a few days ago and had to sit and let it work in my head before I could write the review. I’ve read quite a few- maybe even most- of this author’s books. I’ve enjoyed them all. But nothing like this one.
This was, by far, her most character driven story. Finn, at the very center, broke my heart in so many ways. An addict with a toxic mother, fame that came too early and a best friend who enabled and participated in the worst of his behavior. And Ben, the forever do gooder trying to make up for one mistake he made as a kid.
Although Finn is technically on the road to recovery, he is stuck in a pattern of helplessness that he brings on himself. And although Ben sees the good, Finn can’t get past the bad. Ultimately, Finn has to face his fears, his life, his mother, in order to move forward.
Never did the author fall back on plot devices we see so often-the giant fight caused by a simple misunderstanding, running away from the other person, the big break up. Which just made the story all the stronger for me.
There were definitely scenes- even sentences- that hit me right where it hurts. But isn’t that one of the reasons to love a book? Because you can connect with it in some way on a personal level? And knowing that aspects of the story were completely personal for the author is what made it so compelling.
Without spoilers, there were small things that kept this from being a 5 POEC for me. But really, 5 POEC is ridiculously rare for me. This book was incredible.
4 1/2 Pieces of eye candy