Would you Rather with Author TM Smith
Would you rather have no Internet, or no Cell Phone?
- That’s easy, no Cell Phone. I do still have a laptop, kindle and tablet.
Would you rather have no one show up to your Wedding or your Funeral?
- Oh my. I think I’d go with Wedding. If no one comes to your funeral that must mean you are miserable bastard.
Would you rather be able to Fly or Read Minds?
- Read Minds!
Would you rather find True Love or a Million dollars?
- True love, money can’t buy that.
Would you rather Win the Lottery or Live twice as long?
- Hmmmm, tricky tricky… I’ll go with the lottery. If I live two hundred years broke, it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun as one hundred with cash dollars.
Would you rather be famous or be best friends with someone famous?
- Best friend with someone famous, I’d beat the hell out of some paparazzi and go to jail.
Would you rather have free Starbucks coffee for a year or free i-Tunes for a year?
- Starbucks!! No debate, must have coffee!!
Would you rather have sex with the lights on or the lights off?
- Off. Lord please, off.
Would you rather watch girl on girl porn or guy on guy porn?
- Tricked you! I put this one in on purpose, it should be obvious, guy on guy is just so much sexier.

Georgia; Smith is an avid reader, reviewer and writer. She now calls Texas home
from her small town on the outskirts of the DFW Metroplex. Most days you can
find her curled up with her kindle and a good book alongside a glass of
something aged and red or a steaming cup of coffee! At 44 years young, she’s decided to enter the
next phase of her life by adding the title of “author” to her list of
accomplishments. Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and
decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, Smith
is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights.
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