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An unlikely rookie superhero and a dog shifter beer enthusiast team up to stop a nefarious supernatural plot.
Food reviewer Scott Dixon didn’t just lose his job—he started getting premonitions linked to random tastes, a new ability he’s not sure how to manage. When an interview lands him a position using his visions to help people and stop criminals, Scott finds himself chasing bootleggers who create beverages specially formulated to control people with psychic abilities. The trail leads to upstate New York, where he meets a sexy craft brewer who takes his breath away, but might be more than he appears, testing Scott’s trust.
Craft brewer and Belgian Malinois shifter Gage Merrick never fit in with his law enforcement family. He loves beer and spent years developing brews designed to taste good to different types of shifters. When he meets Scott, sparks fly. But Gage’s passion for paranormally optimized beverages raises Scott’s suspicions, threatening their chance at happiness.
Will Gage be the love of Scott’s life, or will their affair leave a bitter aftertaste?
A Taste for Danger is a feel-good paranormal super-powered hero MM romance romp filled with secret agents, found family, good beer, quirky humor, sexy shifters, soulful psychics, and supernatural skullduggery!
This book is part of the multi-author MM Romance SubPar Heroes series and is also linked to the Fox Hollow series.
Title: A Taste of Danger
Authors: Morgan Brice
Length: 65k
Series: A Subparheroes Book (Shared World), Book 14
Genre: Paranormal, Shifters, Urban Fantasy.
Amazon – Kindle Unlimited – All Regions
“You were a food critic. Surely you had enemies.”
Scott thought for a moment. “There was a chef with a meat cleaver who didn’t like what I said about his béarnaise sauce. But since they all wanted positive reviews, they mostly sucked up to me. It was nice while it lasted.”
“We won’t be sending you into combat,” Ted promised. “Actually, your background as a food critic will be a perfect cover. If it helps, think of yourself as an investigator. You’ll have a reason to go to the restaurants and bars we think are operating as a front for the smugglers. Some of those groups are also bringing in similarly augmented, off-the-books paranormal pharmaceuticals, so you may end up bagging some big-wigs.”
Scott frowned. “How are they getting the supplies?”
“They’re a bunch of coyotes coming in from Canada,” Ted said.
“I thought coyotes brought undocumented people across the border,” Scott replied.
Ted shook his head. “Not those kind. The furry sort—shifters.”
“Real coyotes…running illegal drugs.” Scott’s world tilted again. “Isn’t that more a problem for a game warden?”
“You’ve got the perfect background as a food reviewer to get into the locations and ask lots of questions. Poke around. Talk to people. Keep your eyes open. The restaurants and bars they’re operating out of want good publicity. Half the time, the front of the house has no idea what’s going on in the back of the kitchen,” Ted assured him, ignoring his question.
If I go back to Rochester now, I’ll be sleeping on couches and sending more resumes. I’m overqualified for fast food and underqualified for haute cuisine. I don’t want to be broke. Scott slumped in surrender. “Okay. I’ll do it.”
Ted smiled. “You’ll be a natural. Your cover is as a food writer. We aren’t expecting you to go in guns blazing. You get cozy with them for your article. Keep your eyes and ears open. And when you know who’s who and what’s where, you phone it in, and our team swoops in like the wrath of God and shuts them down.”
Scott just stared at him. “And you don’t think they’ll figure I ratted them out and come after me?”
“We’ll extract you before the team goes in,” Ted assured him. “We take very good care of our assets.”
I’m an asset. A spy. And I didn’t even get a secret decoder ring. “Aren’t there a bunch of other things I need to know?” Scott tried to remember every espionage movie he had ever seen. “Like how to hotwire a car or make a bomb out of household materials or defuse a nuke with a paperclip?”
“Those skills are strictly on a need-to-know basis,” Ted replied. “If you’re ever assigned a case where it’s likely you will need to do any of those things, instruction will be provided.”
I wanted him to laugh and tell me that was completely nonsense. But no—it’s just that I’m too junior to know how to blow things up. He took a couple of deep breaths and tried to remind himself that real spies didn’t faint.
Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy male/male paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic fantasy and urban fantasy, and together with co-author hubby Larry N. Martin, steampunk and comedic horror, all of which have less romance, more explosions. Characters from her Gail books make frequent appearances in secondary roles in her Morgan books, and vice versa.
On the rare occasions Morgan isn’t writing, she’s either reading, cooking, or spoiling two very pampered dogs.
Series include Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow. Watch for more in these series, plus new series coming soon!
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