Will the demons of the past ruin any hope for the future?
If there’s anyone who knows how to have a good time—be it with a man or a woman—it’s Ryder Pearce. Master of the nail-it-and-bail-it theory, he lives his life for one person and one person only: himself. When a man enters Ryder’s life who challenges him on every flirtation, every sexual innuendo he can come up with, Ryder’s thrown off his game in a big way. Because there’s one thing the man has made perfectly clear—they’ve played this game before, and Ryder doesn’t remember the outcome.
Avery Hamilton has seen all of Ryder’s moves and has witnessed his sex appeal. He knows all too well about his cocky sense of humor and his penchant for one-night stands. There was a time in his life when he’d taken the bait, but this time around, he wants more. He’s seen Ryder’s act; what he hasn’t seen is Ryder—the real Ryder he hides from the world.
When both men come together to help a young boy, Ryder’s forced to face things from his past he’s blocked out. Things he never wanted anyone to know. Now, Ryder has one fear… Will revealing that side of himself be real enough for Avery? Or will it be the reason Avery walks away?
***Warning: This book contains off-page references to sexual/physical abuse of a minor.
***This book is the third book in a series. Reading the books out of order may result in spoilers.
Beyond the Cove Series, Book 3
M/M Romance
Release Date: 07.31.19
Cover design by Cate Ashwood
Amazon – Kindle Unlimited
“Listen, about earlier…” Avery began, hoping to get some kind of conversation going. “I really am sorry. I have this knee-jerk reaction to jump to conclusions with you.” Avery nudged Ryder playfully with his arm until he looked over at him. “You’re too damn quiet, and it’s making me nervous.”
Ryder laughed. “Never thought you’d say that, huh?” He shrugged his shoulders, looking forward again. “Forget about it, man. Trust me”—he glanced back over at Avery—“I’m nowhere near perfect. I fuck up every damn day.” His gaze shifted forward again as they separated, letting an older couple walk between them. When they met up again, Ryder added, “Most of the time, though, even if it doesn’t seem like it, it’s with good intentions.” His eyes flicked again to Avery’s, but it was as if he didn’t want to hold eye contact and nervously looked ahead once more.
“It hasn’t gone unnoticed. Not by me.” Avery owed him at least that much. Ryder’s surprised smile from Avery’s admission made him laugh. “Don’t look so shocked. I’m a very perceptive man. Not much gets past me.”
All at once, the smile faded, and Ryder looked straight ahead again. “Is that so?”
Avery stopped short in the middle of the boardwalk, crossing his arms over his chest. Ryder looked back at him as he also came to a stop and turned around. “Yeah, it is. Like the fact that you’re acting weird. What the hell is up with you today?”
“Why does something have to be up?”
“Are you only going to answer me with questions?”
“Do you want me to only answer you with questions?”
Avery hung his head back and groaned. “Jesus Christ, sometimes I just want to strangle you.”
Ryder closed the distance between them with two slow steps. “I’ll try anything once. Didn’t take you for a breath play kind of guy, though. Do you make that groaning sound you just made while you do it? Because yes, please.”
Avery straightened his back then leaned his face only a few inches away from Ryder. “You really don’t take anything seriously, do you?” His tone came out huskier than he’d meant it to, but this man kept him in a perpetual state of frustration—including sexual.
“Sex. I take sex very seriously,” Ryder retorted, but his face didn’t show the conviction of his words. Damn, Avery was so tired of staring at the same fucking wall Ryder had built around himself. Ryder was, surprisingly, the first to break eye contact, moving his gaze to the ocean.
This wasn’t accomplishing anything, and they sure as hell weren’t going to find Chris by standing here.
Yet, Avery refused to let the man get the last word. He lifted a finger to Ryder’s cheek, turning his head so he was looking at him again. “You’re acting weird, and it has nothing to do with sex.” Avery stepped around Ryder to continue walking, pissed that Ryder always had a way of pushing his buttons. So, push back. He turned abruptly, making Ryder bump into him. He stared down into gray eyes and couldn’t help himself when he said, “Although, if we were talking sex… Breath play? No. But I can make you come so hard, you’ll be gasping for air when I’m done with you.”
“Hot damn,” Ryder whispered right before Avery forced himself to turn around again, holding back a smug smile as he began to walk and scan the area.
I feel like I’ve been waiting on Ryder and Avery forever… I mean, I know I’m just impatient, but… come on!
I love this series so much and I couldn’t wait for Ryder’s story, because as much as I can’t stand the whole “player” trope, or as Ryder liked to call it “nail it and bail it” … I just knew there was a reason he was the way he was.
I was not prepared for how heartbreaking it was… growing up both in the system and with parents they kept giving him back to that in no way should’ve been in charge of a child. Abuse was what he was used to, from one home to another until he aged out of the system and did things he wasn’t proud of to survive… both because he needed it to literally survive, but also to do things on his terms….
There is mentions of sexual abuse, but it didn’t delve too deep, just enough to give you the idea of the torment he went through at such a young age. And it didn’t stop there… How could you not fall in love with him and understand a little bit what made him hide behind his crazy sense of humor and his need for distance and easy hookups. He didn’t think he was loveable… or worth love. That is, until Avery….
Avery was Kevin’s best friend and honorary uncle to Eli and Jakes kids. If you haven’t read their story yet… go back and do it; not only because you’ll be caught up on who these people are, but their story is just as amazing.
Avery wanted what Jake and Eli has… having never quite felt good enough for his own family,(and you’ll realize why when you read about them, they’re terrible… at least most of them are)… he loved being apart of the family that made up of all the guys in Eli and Jake’s group…. and that included Ryder.
Not getting off the right foot the first couple of times they met… Avery was charmed by Ryder but wanted more than he knew Ryder was willing to give…. and though Ryder liked Avery and wanted him in the worst way… he didn’t think he was capable of any sort of relationship that Avery deserved…. however, when Ryders elderly neighbor passes away and the little boy that lived with her goes missing…. the two team up to not only find him but do what they can to make sure he has everything he needs to feel safe and loved.
I adored these two and their relationship with the little boy, Chris. Chris was so scared of being sent away and all he wanted was someone to see him and have him matter. His grandma did the best she could, but she was gone now and he had nobody…. well, so he thought… Avery wasn’t going down without a fight and even though Ryder would’ve sworn that he wasn’t role model material or father material…. everything he did was to protect Chris and do what he could for him…. Seeing Avery doing the same thing softened him up, but it wasn’t without bumps in the road and late night confessions that set him back a bit… but they got there in the end…
I loved how real Ryder’s problems weren’t magically fixed just because he found love and let love find him. He was still working on himself and on what he wanted his future to be, even at the end of the book. When someone goes through such trauma, it doesn’t get fixed just like that…. and I liked how Avery pushed just enough and then helped guide Ryder to healing… and i loved that Ryder wanted to heal and had two people worth healing for, if he couldn’t find it in himself to heal for him… though I do think that he got there in the end.
The whole story was just heartbreaking and beautiful and such a great addition to the already amazing series. I cannot wait to see what’s in store for Parker… and I hope it’s intense! I also can’t wait to see more from the rest of the guys, more weddings perhap??!! Fingers crossed!
All the stars for me on this one! All of them!
I have been an artist from a very young age. From drawing cartoon characters and evolving into portraits, making jewelry, photography, and now writing. I have an amazing support system in my family and friends and couldn’t be more grateful.
I live in central New Jersey, love summers at the Jersey Shore, rock music, wine, sexy men, and laughing a lot with my amazing friends and family. Sunday dinners at my parents’ house are crazy, hysterical and you can count on a movie quote…or ten…being thrown out. Insults between siblings is how we show our love for each other!
When I’m not creating, you can find me reading books from my favorite authors. I’m a hopeless romantic, starving for passionate characters and always craving that happy ending, whether in reading or in writing my own books.