How can a single parent long for someone to call Daddy?
Everything I do is to make sure my daughter has a good life. More often than not, that means I have to ignore my own desires, but she’s worth it.
Working at a kink club might not have been my best move, but the tips make up for the torture of being faced with my fantasies every night.
One night, that’s all William asked for…
One night will never be enough for me. As soon as I felt his arms holding me while I fell asleep in his lap, I was hooked. He encourages me to be little, but understands it’s not something I can give him all the time.
He loves me just as I am, whether I’m little and needy or on my knees and begging for him.
When the sides of my life collide, will it all be too much for William?
Looks Can Be Deceiving is the second book set at The Lodge, the quirkiest kink club in Annandale. It features an overworked single dad and a retired soldier who avoids any structure in his life until his boy needs mandated nap time and play time

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Okay, so I’m coming into this series late, but that’s okay, it didn’t take anything away from the story for me. I am curious to go back and read some, though I will say that this one took me a bit to get into because my husband’s name is Corey and it was hard to separate it when his name was spoken, especially when he was little. I also dunno how I’ll go back and read about Jack, as that’s my dad’s name and I dunno if he’s a Daddy or not, but… also very weird.
ANYWAY… in this one, we have William and Corey. Now keep in mind, I don’t know these two from any other story but this one, so if they make an appearance in previous books, I dunno. William though, is retired from the military and moved to town to be closer to his sister, who now has a teenage son and has been a single mother with no help from their parents, he feels guilty for being away when she needed help…. Trying to make up for it now, he still likes the fact that he can kind of do whatever he wants with no one tying him down anymore. I’m sure being career military would get tiresome doing everything on someone else’s time, I can understand his need to not have any ties… though his sister and nephew kind of are, his nephew is out and in college now, so he really has no responsibilities to speak of… unless you count the work he does at his friend’s club from time to time, but he isn’t there in any official capacity, he doesn’t even technically work there….still, that’s where he meets Corey.
Corey, I felt a kinship with right away. A single dad (which is absolutely my kink) with a selfish baby mama and an adorable daughter that he’s breaking his back to give the best life to because of said selfish baby mama. Not only did I have a selfish baby daddy before meeting my husband over a decade ago, I related with the arguments and the constant having to readjust schedules for their irresponsibility. I also loved that he didn’t just jump in and throw his kid into anything until he was 10000000 percent sure about whatever it is. Kids come first, period and even in a romance novel, I was glad to see that.
Aside from all that, William and Corey did not start out on the best foot. William was a bit of an assumer, especially when he found Corey sleeping on the couch in the office of the bar or calling in at what is definition of the very last minute without having someone to cover his shift …. So it was rocky at first, but when William opened his eyes and started seeing for Corey for all the is and all that he’s struggling with, especially his need to be little, he offered him everything that Corey needed but was too afraid to ask for.
After William stopped being stubborn, I adored how patient he was with Corey and how he too, put Corey’s needs before his own. I enjoyed seeing him get Corey to open up and feel comfortable in this space that he longed for but never felt comfortable acknowledging. He thought that maybe one day, but until his daughter was grown, he didn’t know how to delegate because he never had the time to even explore…. Did I mention the selfish baby mama? Yeah, you won’t like her, I dind’t and never warmed up for her, even if she did end up doing the right thing for the kid she didn’t really seem to care about… but whatevs on that… it’s probably my own prejudice of selfish parents clouding my judgement there.
I did have a little trouble with the “dark” parts of their sexual relationship though only because it seemed so opposite and came out of nowhere for me. While I find it appealing in some aspects, I didn’t know if I liked the very very slight humiliation and diiiiiirty talking while Corey was little. To each his own, I am all for that, but it seemed out of place to me. Again, probably just to me, but I thought I’d give it a mention.
Overall though, it’s a very sweet story with an adorable little girl, a very vernerable and needy little and an endlessly patient Daddy, along with some sweet side characters/family members as well. I’m really curious to read more about William’s nephew and his roommate/boyfriend/little, Chase. I think he’ll be super cute and I hope they’re next. For now, I’m off to read what I missed by coming into this series in the middle.
4 pieces of eye candy