Falling in love was the easy part.
Lucky and Saint are head-over-heels for each other. It doesn’t matter that they met only a few months ago. It also doesn’t matter that this is Saint’s first real relationship and Lucky’s first with a man. They’re infatuated, happy, and excited to start their life together in LA.
It isn’t as easy as they thought.
Away from home for the first time and feeling like he has to compete with Saint’s experienced and cultured friends, Lucky is a fish out of water. Saint is still coming to grips with his recent loss while doing everything he can to keep Lucky happy. The only time things feel right is when they lock themselves away from the world—when they’re alone, everything is perfect.
But reality comes crashing back in to challenge them at every turn. Lucky and Saint need to learn how to stand together, as well as apart, if they’re to have any hope of making this last. They’re learning the hard way that “I love you” is when the real work begins.
RELEASE DATE: 08.15.18
COVER DESIGN: X-Potion Designs
Amazon – Kindle Unlimited
Lucky Holloway had never seen so many cars in his life.
Okay, so maybe he was exaggerating a bit. It wasn’t as if back home he’d never driven into DC. Obviously, he had, but that was different. DC wasn’t something he did on a daily basis. Since he’d just moved to Los Angeles with his boyfriend, Saint, this—the mass amounts of traffic—would be his life. Every day. He figured he’d better get used to it.
Lucky watched the obscene number of cars, thinking about how many people were there. Again, he glanced at his boyfriend—his boyfriend. It was still an adjustment to realize he had a boyfriend and that moving to LA was a part of it. He would take hours in traffic if it meant having Saint, if it meant stepping outside of the world he’d always known and seeing what else was out there.
There was a loud honk, and Saint cursed and zipped between two vehicles, changing lanes into a spot where his car technically shouldn’t have fit.
“You gotta be a little aggressive to get your way.”He winked, and Lucky playfully rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, this is going to take some getting used to. It’s so amazing to me that there can be this many people right here on this freeway with us, when there are fifty other freeways with likely the same amount of people on them.”
“It’s wild when you think about it in those terms. For me, it’s life. I don’t really know any different.”Saint continued to push his way into spaces, making other cars slow down to let him in, until he exited the freeway. Lucky still couldn’t believe he was there, that he’d met Saint only a few months ago. That somehow, in the course of Saint going to Lucky’s hometown of Cottage Grove, Virginia, to reconnect with an estranged grandmother, Saint and he had fallen in love. And how so soon after Saint had become a part of his grandmother, Alice’s, life, and in turn Lucky’s life, Alice had passed away. He was angry on Saint’s behalf. It wasn’t fair that Saint had lost her so soon after finding her. It wasn’t something Saint mentioned, not outside of that moment they’d shared in Saint’s grandfather’s old office. Saint kept himself zipped tight, as though he hadn’t lost Alice and this was all about their adventure. Lucky decided to make a point of trying to get him to talk about it more.
What he really couldn’t believe was that he’d made the decision to uproot his whole life, leave behind everything he knew, and go with Saint. He’d never done something so uncharacteristic in his life—falling in love in such a short amount of time—and it was both thrilling and scary as fuck.
Sighhhh, Lucky and Saint….
We met them first in “Something About You” when Lucky reached out to Saint on behalf of his neighbor who his grandmother’s lifelong friend/roommate/love. They’re about as different as night and day, one being from small town Virginia and the other from LA. But, despite that, and the fact that Lucky wasn’t out to anyone in his small town… the feelings they had for each other was undeniable.
However, in this one…. Lucky things aren’t so easy just because they love each other. After leaving to LA with Saint, it’s a culture shock to say the least. A blue collar small town man who is newly out and trying to be comfortable with himself and his new relationship, moves to LA with his white collar boyfriend.. It was a lot on both of them. Saint because he wanted to do whatever he could to make Lucky love LA, and Lucky because he was trying to slide into Saint’s life and be comfortable there instead of making his own life there. Lucky needed to get a job and feel like he was contributing, but the cost of living in LA meant whatever job he got, would be chump change compared to Saint’s income, or the cost of his house, or even a light bill. For someone who prided himself on being independent, that would be a hit….
We also see Saint come to terms with losing the grandmother he’d only met a short time ago. Using Lucky coming to LA as a deterrent to talking about it or really even thinking about it, had Saint hiding his head in the sand and not even grieving properly over the woman he loved so much, and who was the only family he had left. I feel like they both needed to find themselves and figure out where to go next was important, before the relationship and living together, instead of for one another could be healthy. They did, and it worked, but it was a bumpy ride getting there.
I was also really concerned with Saint’s friend and co-worker Aaron. I didn’t think I was going to like him. I didn’t like the way he was with Lucky at first, though now I know came from a good place, I really thought he’d cause trouble between the two…. That wasn’t the case and I loved that. I’m really hoping for a good happily ever after for him.
Even with all the back and forth of Lucky hating LA, to the vast difference in lifestyles and friends and career’s, it still wasn’t all the angsty, which I loved (I’m not big on angst)….but I also wasn’t surprised when the guys decide that the both needed to make a change so that they could be what the other needed. I never gave up hope on them; the fact that they loved each other and wasn’t willing to let anything get in the way of that; was important. They were loyal to one another and the trust they had to have never wavered. It was a nice change of pace, and I was really happy with the way things ended for them. I’m sure there’ll be more for these two, and I’ll read every one of them and love it…. I’m hoping there are more anyway!!
Overall, I love this couple, I love their supportive families and best friends, and I loved the way they love each other. I’ll read every book they’re apart of.
4 pieces of eye candy from me!
Yes! Finally! A book that explores a relationship after the honeymoon period of book one. So many books I read that are a happily ever after, but COME ON! One or both main characters made some seriously big life changes. There will be turmoil. SHOW ME!
So, if you haven’t guessed, you absolutely need to read book 1.
Book 2 picks up after Saint and Lucky get to LA. Saint is so happy to be home and while Lucky is happy to be with Saint, he is a bit adrift in LA- a world that is basically the polar opposite of what he lived in his whole life. When they were in Lucky’s hometown, the only thing to really remind Lucky how wealthy Saint is was his Corvette. Which, really, isn’t that big of a deal. But being in LA, it smacks Lucky right in the face how much money Saint has.
And money means nothing to Saint, right? Of course not. Because he is used to money. He grew up with money. He makes tons of money now. He never has to worry about money. And being that he was always surrounded by it, means his friends have it as well.
So while they are home in their bubble without the outside world, Lucky and Saint are totally happy. But they are avoiding the real world because they know trouble awaits.
And I loved it! I love seeing a couple struggle. Because it happens. To everyone in every relationship.
So eventually Lucky makes a decision that could either make or break them as a couple. And while I really enjoyed the decision he made, I felt like that section could have been longer. More detailed. I wanted to see Lucky come into his own more. But I guess me wanting more of something is a good thing. Because if it was a crap story I certainly wouldn’t want more.
So don’t worry happy readers. Saint and Lucky still get their HEA. It was just a tiny bit too tidy for me.
4 pieces of eye candy
Riley Hart is the girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. She’s a hopeless romantic, a lover of sexy stories, passionate men, and writing about all the trouble they can get into together.
She loves reading, flawed characters, and hanging out with her husband and children, who she adores. She and her family live in Southern California, soaking up the sunshine while also missing seasons. Not a day goes by that she isn’t thankful she gets to wake up and do what she loves.
Life is good. Riley also writes young adult and new adult under the name Nyrae Dawn.