Dallas Muller has everything he never expected he’d have. He owns a successful motorbike mechanic shop in Newcastle, and he’s madly in love with his boyfriend of four years, Justin Keith.
Justin has always struggled to find where he fit in, never realising his true worth or what it means to be loved—until he met Dallas. Living and working together might be too much for some, but Dallas and Justin wouldn’t have it any other way.
When a terrible accident tears their world apart, Justin’s left with no memory of Dallas or their relationship. Trying to put the pieces back together is almost impossible when some pieces are blank and some are missing altogether. Dallas has to let Justin find his own way back to him and just hope that their love will light the way.
Title: Pieces of You
Author: N.R. Walker
Genre: MM Romance
Series: Missing Pieces, Book 1

Amazon – Kindle Unlimited

A story that takes place 85% in a hospital room with one guy who can’t remember the last 5 years, including his live in boyfriend, and said boyfriend. Boooorrrriiiinnnnggg, right? WRONG!!
I don’t always love books with an already established couple. I like to watch them fall in love and experience all of the firsts. But this book starts out with an established couple, and ends with new firsts.
Justin and Dallas are stupidly in love, working together at the motorcycle shop Dallas owns and living upstairs together with their cat. Until a horrible car accident breaks Justin’s body and steals the memories of the past five years.
When I say the story is 85% in the hospital, I am not kidding. But it is written in such a way that you are just rooting for Justin to regain his memory, for Dallas’ heart not to be totally broken. Dallas sits there with him every single day. Even though Justin has no idea who he is. But all of that time together makes Justin accept Dallas as his friend. He learns to trust him. It is so sweet.
Book 1 ends with Justin returning to their home. I can’t wait for book 2.
4 Pieces of Eye Candy
After reading the blurb on this book, I was hesitant, I won’t deny that. Angsty books scare me, and I mean how could a book about an established couple basically broken up by amnesia be anything but angsty. Someone remembers and loves the other, while the other person has no knowledge, doesn’t care about that person. Leave it to N.R. Walker to once again prove me wrong.
Yes, I did cry a little in this book, how could you not? For two men who were so in love to suddenly have their lives ripped out from under them…has to lead to some tears. However, what the author managed to do was create a story of one man’s unwavering love for the other, and the slow falling in love of the other. Dallas never questioned his love for Justin, never wavered, never allowed himself to stop wanting the best for Justin. He helped Justin find his way back to health, but also to what his new normal would be, all without pushing Justine to “come back to him”, start their lives over. It was moving the strength and power of that love.
This is a trilogy that I can’t wait to finish reading. And with Justin having returned back to their home to heal, and starting to get small pieces of memories back, it is a hopeful transition to book 2.
4.5 pieces of eye candy
N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance. She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn’t have it any other way.
She is many things: a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who live in her head, who don’t let her sleep at night unless she gives them life with words.
She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things… but likes it even more when they fall in love.
She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.
She’s been writing ever since…
For more about N.R. Walker you can find her at:
Email: nrwalker@nrwalker.net