Grace’s composed, yet lethal disposition balances his partner Mirage’s impulsive nature, creating a duo—the second-generation Brown Ravens—with the potential for greatness.
Grace was one of the most decorated sharpshooters in the Marines. He’s fiercely committed to righting the wrongs that plague the world and protecting the innocent.
But there are too many rules and strict orders in the armed forces the Ravens don’t have.
Mirage left his world without a trace.
He has a brilliant mind and more degrees in science and medicine than one person could ever hope to obtain.
Now that the Ravens are done administering their treatments, Mirage can throw knives so fast they turn into phantom blades before he disappears in a way that leaves his enemies in chaos and confusion. And Grace can hit a target from three miles away.
When together, their form of silent communication in the field is astonishing. Grace’s subtle body movements speak their own language and his long, intense stares into Mirage’s grey eyes have created a special bond neither of them saw coming. A forbidden romance that won’t stop them from being the second-best assassins in the world.

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Man, AE Via can write some morally gray characters like nobody’s business. And make us LIKE them.
I think her darkest were Ex and Meridian from, you guessed it, Ex Meridian in the Nothing Special series. Fans wanted more of these guys. And they wanted them now. We got a Valentine’s Day short. Too short. Enough to whet our appetites.
And now, finally, Black and Brown. A spin off of Ex Meridian. They are the first generation, the Blacks, part of a program that the government would deny knowledge of that shaped these two into perfect assassins through training and medicine.
And the Browns. Second generation. We get to see these guys through the whole process. Well, we see Mirage from before he joined and Grace after he caught Mirage sneaking around. This agency exploited Mirage by offering vengeance for the deaths of his parents and also a way to take out the worst evil the world has. With Grace as his partner.
I loved these two as partners. Grace who says almost nothing with words and everything with his mind. But only Mirage understands. They way they work together, with Mirage a shadow behind Grace. It’s a carefully choreographed dance between them, until someone or someones, cut in.
The Blacks are deployed to the situation and the two teams are face to face.
It’s very James Bond, but way more lethal. Who to trust, who not to trust. Who to take out, who to keep alive. And in between all of that, Mirage and Grace develop a relationship they aren’t supposed to have. Because it was trained out of them, by drugs or conditioning. And yet, they are feeling it.
So we do get sweet scenes of going out to dinner, cooking together, and of course sexy times. Which are sometimes tender. Sigh
I would have liked to hear Grace’s back story like we got with Mirage. And maybe we will. Because one thing is for sure, well adjusted men aren’t recruited to be black ops assassins.
There’s a lot of unanswered questions at the end of the book. I wouldn’t call it a cliffhanger, but definitely unfinished. OF COURSE! Because the author likes to torture us! I kid, I kid. Sort of.
So yes, I definitely can’t wait for the next book.
4 pieces of eye candy