Ryan Hayes wasn’t looking for a distraction from the one in five chance of him being the father to his lying, cheating, “not his girlfriend”, pregnant ex-girlfriend’s baby, but that was exactly what Elijah became. That was until the lines got blurred and Elijah became something to him that he never knew was possible: everything.
Elijah Anderson hid the struggles he faces every day to keep his diner afloat behind a smile, but Ryan saw through it and gave Elijah real reasons to smile. Though Elijah tried to fight it—Ryan may have a baby on the way and was also the soon to be brother-in-law to his best friend—Ryan seeing Elijah in his lingerie and showing how receptive he was to roleplay was Elijah’s undoing…he was hooked! He wanted to lose himself in the gorgeous, demisexual, and bi-curious man in ways he never had before.
Ryan saw how hard Elijah worked every day to make ends meet and how his generous behavior was being exploited. Not anymore.
Elijah saw past Ryan’s candid approach to dealing with his family and understood the love behind his words. They’ll see how considerate you are.
Just as Ryan and Elijah settle into their happy lives together, it gets rocked by a heavily pregnant woman wielding a hammer.
Author note: male/male romance, can be read as a standalone. Contains sexual acts between consenting adults, roleplay, sexy lingerie, and two men who never knew what love was until a heavy box was dropped on one of them.
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“Rye!” Zach shouted after spotting me and Elijah walking closer to them. “I found your flag!” he yelled, even though I was close enough that he didn’t have to. The smell of fruit and alcohol wafted off his breath, explaining his loud behavior.
Zach wrapped the large flag around my head like it was a towel, and I was a kid that had just been for a swim in the lake.
“Thanks, Zach,” I said as I tugged the flag off my head. I didn’t unwrap myself from the flag, though, instead placing it around my shoulders. Looking around, I saw there were a lot of people with different colored flags…I liked the colors in my flag: there was a black triangle and three stripes coming from it, the top stripe was white, and the bottom one was grey; the middle stripe was a thin strip of purple. The colors were subtle, but what I liked most was that I felt a sense of pride in the flag, similar to when I saw the Star-Spangled Banner; this flag represents…me. “Can I keep it?” I asked.
“Course you can,” Zach said, smiling brightly. The glassiness in his eyes portrayed his drunken state—I wasn’t even gone an hour! “Cammy and Taylor were telling me about all the flags, and when he said about the demi one, I was like, that’s what Ryan said earlier. So, we bought you this.” He held a corner of the flag up for me to see, still smiling from ear to ear.
“You guys bought this for me?” I asked, finally looking at my brother and my dad’s boyfriend. Neither of them heard my question. They were dancing rings around Elijah. When my boyfriend saw me looking his way, he grinned and winked at me.
Zach’s hand heavily tapping on my shoulder broke our eye contact. “What?” I asked him.
“Do you like my flag?” Zach asked, pointing to the wonky rectangle on his bare chest with a small dick in the middle. I also noted that he had his T-shirt tucked into the back of his jeans like I did.
“Is that you coming out as having a small dick?” I quipped.
“Fuck you, dickhead!” Zach shoved my shoulder but was laughing.
“Hey!” Cam shouted as he got between Zach and me. “No fighting. Let’s dance.” He took hold of my hand, raised it above his head, and began twirling himself beneath it. I wasn’t really a dancer, so I just watched him. Taylor joined the mix, and before I knew what was happening, he was behind me, holding my arms out and moving them to the music.
“I’m not a puppet,” I said over my shoulder to him. The movement had my flag falling off my shoulders and to the ground. Taylor let go of me, but Cam had already picked up my flag for me.
“Tie it ‘round your neck like a superhero,” Cam said as he tied the black corners of the triangle around my neck. The alcohol I could smell on his breath was more potent than what Zach smelt like, My little brother was pretty hammered. Not the straight-laced narc he once was.
Darla O’Malley had been writing male/male fiction and paranormal stories as a hobby for quite a few years, until encouragement from friends and family to become a self-published author had her finishing one of her many half-written novels. She’s extremely happy she heeded their advice as having others read her creations has become an exhilarating experience.
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