After growing up in care, all Sam wants is to make a home for him and Tommy, his kid brother by choice. But it’s not as easy as he thought, especially when his social worker finds him a job miles away. And falling for the surprising boy at work only makes things harder.
Evra is different, his past a mystery. Being truly himself is not something he’s ever felt safe enough to be with anyone, not until Sam, the shyest boy ever, saves his life at work and Evra finds himself inexplicably trusting him. Wanting him.
Problem is, Sam is leaving, unable to stand being so far away from Tommy. And Evra can’t leave, not when he has consequences to face.
Making things work might seem complicated, but sometimes falling in love has its own consequences.
Length: 60,000 words approx.

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Okay, so, I have a hard time with stories where bad people get away with being bad people and it really seemed like that’s all there were here in the beginning, apart from Sam and Evra, but everyone was terrible to them. I’m also not a big fan of young adult, so I was wary in the beginning of this one.
First we meet Sam and Evra, who work together at the same factory, though in different parts. Work isn’t good for either of them, their boss is terrible, as are the people they work with, both men have a bully that seems intent to make work miserable for the pair of them, but for different reasons. Sam is only there because the home he aged out of helped him find the job, though it was hours away from who he considered his little brother from the home, Tommy. They will break your heart. Sam loved Tommy so much and hearing the two talk, you knew that they only had each other, but unfortunately, Sam not really being Tommy’s brother and the fact that Tommy’s only 13 and has special needs, he needs the care system still, especially while Sam gets established… they’re working towards it though and I was glad to see that for them, even if it did seem that there were hundreds of hurdles in their way.
Evra was a little mysterious for me. Not only his relationship with Mav (who I eventually came to adore, despite he and Karl’s bullying) but also the home they lived in. Taken in as refugees when their shipping container was found, Mav and Evra had come across each other while in care, but was now living in a support house tht tried to help them get established, but didn’t at all because of the tyrant, militant, manipulative person they lived with. How he could dictate their every moment (even bowl movements) was so strange to me and I don’t know how nobody noticed this or how he wasn’t in prison or locked in a loony bin. I didn’t understand that entire storyline. It seemed so unbelievable because who would willingly go along with that?
Evra though, especially because of his upbringing, didn’t understand the whole right from wrong 100% though, he didn’t realize what Berill was doing was wrong. Strange, but not wrong. Not until Maverick found out. I loved how much Mav had Evra’s back. I hate that we didn’t get to see the “consequences” that Beril got, but maybe next book??? I’m hoping so. I cannot handle when bad people get away with being bad.. I need karmic justice… I’m petty that way!
So, it’s a complicated situation for all involved, but together, with all of them being there for one another, things get worked out, all while Sam and Evra fall for each other. It was a bittersweet ending, especially knowing how much the boys had gone through to get to where they ended up… I love happy or happy for now endings, I wouldn’t mind reading more about Karl and Mav. I have a feeling they’ll break my heart too.
4 Pieces of Eye Candy
About The Author
Award Winning Author. Prolific Reader (though less prolific than they’d like). Lover of angst, romance and unexpected love stories.
Suki Fleet’s first novel This is Not a Love Story won Best Gay Debut in the 2014 Rainbow Awards, and was a finalist in the 2015 Lambda Awards. Foxes won Best Gay Young Adult story in the 2016 Rainbow Awards.
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