Eli was only seven years old when he had been given to monsters.
Sixteen years later he finally gets the chance for revenge, and with his enhanced abilities changing, nothing and no one is gonna stop him, especially a new partner that seems to see right through the black holes in his soul.
Agent Daniel Connelly left Washington trying to keep his sanity, but the images of the innocent victims are still haunting him and knows the horror in Eli’s eyes is exactly what he is trying to forget.
Everybody Burns is a story about two men falling in love. Except, one doesn’t think he is capable of it…
And the other doesn’t think he deserves it.
Amazon – Kindle Unlimited
This series is really damn good, if you like paranormal type stuff…although the paranormal isn’t crazy if that isn’t your usual cup of tea. It truly is abilities that are enhanced.
That being said, this book was a hard one, because when you see Eli’s story unfold, there are a couple things that could be hard for an author to make happen in 200 or so pages and still feel like it was realistic. One of them was that Eli just had not gotten over, or really even started to heal at all, his deep wounds from childhood abuse. He truly didn’t believe he deserved to be happy, and to fall in love during that, well it just isn’t going to work in most cases. There were also physical “wounds” that many survivors of abuse cannot get past…no matter how much therapy, how many drugs, or how many times they “try”. That also really makes it hard to find the person that is going to accept you, and be willing to stand with you as you heal.
I’ll be really honest…as I saw this unfolding, I just didn’t see how that was going to happen without it being wrapped up in a tidy little bow of joy and rainbows. That is a lot of hurt, and pain that one person cannot safely and realistically get through in a very short period of time. Color me surprised when it did work! 🙂 The author didn’t rush it. She didn’t have Daniel make it all better with his magical personality and p***s. It was clear that it was work, and understanding, and a lot of love.
Eli needed all of that to heal and be able to find love. Without it, he couldn’t love himself, and certainly couldn’t love Daniel. The story around the love story, in this case, was more about redemption. The meat of this book was simply that Daniel didn’t force his love on Eli, he simply let Eli find it. Meanwhile Daniel let Eli know that whatever worked for them, worked for THEM. Their love, and their relationship was about what they needed, and what they would find in each other.
And isn’t that what we all want in a relationship?
Also, it was fantastic catching up with all the guys–LOVED the scene with Finn, Sam, and poor wide-eyed Eli. Totally fantastic!
4 pieces of eye candy
Victoria Sue fell in love with love stories as a child when she would hide away with her mom’s library books and dream of the dashing hero coming to rescue her from math homework. She never mastered math but never stopped loving her heroes and decided to give them the happy ever afters they fight so hard for.
She loves reading and writing about gorgeous boys loving each other the best—and creating a family for them to adore. Thrilled to hear from her readers, she can be found most days lurking on Facebook where she doesn’t need factor 1000 sun-cream to hide her freckles.
Newsletter: http://bit.ly/VictoriaSueNewsletter
Victoria Sue has generously offered up an ebook from her backlist to one commentor to this blog post. 🙂
I’ve not read this author yet and this book does sound fun!
I have the previous books in the series — I’ll make a note that this one is out now. I’ve read several of the author’s books, and enjoyed them.
Thank you for the review. It looks great!
I would love to read more. I enjoy your work.