Two Chicks Obsessed with Books and Eye Candy wanted to congratulate Susan Mac Nicol on the second anniversary of the publishing of this awesome series!!! Sue did an amazing job creating this paranormal world (see Guest Post below) and we are happy to see how well it has done. Congrats Sue! If you would like to read the review of Double Alchemy from two years ago, check it out here.
Powerful yet tormented modern warlock Quinn Fairmont must initiate the silver-eyed Cade Mairston into the world of witchfinders, Withinners, and what can happen when two men fall truly, madly, deeply in love.
In modern London there lurks a warlock, Quinn Fairmont. Dangerous, powerful, tortured, sharing his body with the soul of an ancient Welsh sorcerer, Quinn is never alone—and never wholly himself. He fights against all those who would exploit his kind. He takes pleasure where he can find it.
In the forest of Hampstead Heath, Quinn’s hometown, Cade Mairston appears to him like a waking dream. Lithe, lean and silver-eyed, he evokes feelings in Quinn unlike any other: lust with true affection, immediate and shocking. Cade is clearly more than he seems. And yet, if a man of the world, Cade is innocent. He knows nothing of warlocks, witchfinders or Withinners. He knows nothing of what he is, what he might be, or what he might feel. For him, the story is just beginning. Magyck, peril and passion await.
Release Date: March 24th 2014
Amazon UK
Boroughs Publishing
Barnes and Noble
Book Trailer
Cade Mairston was no ordinary man. Quinn had known it from the minute he’d touched Cade’s hand, smelt his scent and heard the rushing of his blood through his veins. Cade was Fey.
Not overtly Fey, but something resided there, buried deep down within him. Quinn didn’t think Cade Mairston had any idea who or what he was.
Quinn shivered. The way Cade had crouched in a fighter’s stance, fierce glare and strong body ready to do battle— he’d been inspiring. It was only due to Quinn’s Warlock skills that he’d the ability to anticipate and deflect the other man’s moves and not be grievously injured. Cade Mairston was a strong, agile presence and Quinn wouldn’t have liked his privates to be on the receiving end of the other man’s foot, which was attached to a muscled leg which he wished would wrap itself around his legs as he pounded the man’s arse….
Quinn checked himself mentally.
Christ, Quinn. Get a grip! Hell, my hormones are running riot.
Thank God the man was gay. Quinn’s gaydar worked very well, thank you, despite noticing the evidence of the large erection the man had sported in his trendy cream chinos for him.
What were the odds of meeting another gay Fey? Quinn chuckled softly. If things had turned out the other way, Quinn would have been in danger of deflowering a straight man and that one never worked out for the best.
Cade had looked a little rattled himself. For a moment, from the look in Cade’s smouldering grey eyes, Quinn had thought he might be about to get savagely violated. While Quinn topped most of the time he was definitely not averse to being taken by a man like Cade. There’d been anticipation so strong for Cade to touch him, kiss him right there, that he’d lost his breath for a moment. Quinn had a really tight feeling in his boxers right now as his cock threatened to burst into song and dance a jig out of his pants.
He sighed. Best get home, have a cold shower and do whatever else was necessary to relieve the turmoil snaking through his nether regions. Cade’s sexy stubble on his jawline and light silver eyes were playing havoc with Quinn’s sexual urges. Next time they met— and he was sure there’d be a next time— he’d have to search his apothecary for something that would deaden the sexual attraction. If not he’d never make it through a next meeting without ripping off Cade’s clothes until his need was fully satisfied for the first time. After the first time, it became more controllable. Experience had taught both he and Taliesin that.
A world that doesn’t exist….
In Double Alchemy, I needed to create an imaginary magical world that doesn’t exist- as far we know. Of course, I’d like to believe anything is possible. I’m sure we all do.
So, if this world doesn’t exist, you can’t really do any research. You have to rely on your imagination, forgotten fairy tales, stories of witches and legends, films that invoke mystical and wondrous lands and somehow find something in all of that that allows you to create your own, unique setting.
Quinn and Cade live in the modern world, in the centre of London. They both have normal jobs, live with normal people and have to face the same day to day pressures that any of us would in real life. They also have to face an alternate world where magic and sorcery exists. They face daily struggles in overcoming evil of a monstrous nature, of making life or death decisions, of finding love, acceptance and happiness. Of dealing with the loss of people we love.
Oh hang on. Actually, that truly does mirror the real world. One only has to look at Hitler, at what doctors and nurses do every day, at the love stories unfolding around us and the pressures of tackling being gay, transgender, black, disabled, or of a different faith. And of course we all live with the loss of loved ones.
All I’ve done in creating my world is overlay a sense of magic and mystery over what we all live with each day. Allow the reader to be transported to a time when fingers blazed blue fire, spells abounded and time travel of a sort was a reality. When witches hefting out severed hands from their handbags in board meetings was a surprise, but not particularly frowned upon. When laying the man you love down in a lake to be taken by water sprites to hopefully be healed from his wounds is something that has to be done.
I loved letting my imagination run riot for these two books, to create a magical world I’d personally love to live in. There’s something freeing about being able to write what you want and bring a little magic into the real world which can sometimes be scary and depressing.
I’m pleased other people thought so too. Double Alchemy won a Bronze award in the AUTHORSdb cover contest and also took first place in the Paranormal Romance Guild Awards in 2014.
It’s humbling to have someone recognise the love and passion you spent nurturing into a story.
Thanks so much for popping down to the blog and reading this post.
Powerful modern warlock Quinn Fairmont found ecstasy with the silver-eyed and not-quite-human Cade Mairston, but to know true happiness the pair must best both the shadow of a long-ago lover and an ancient enemy who seeks to destroy love, light and all they hold dear.
It begins with a Book of Shadows discovered by a London coven. The grimoire is as dangerous as it is rare, which is why it evokes modern-day warlock Quinn Fairmont’s desire. He collects objects of great power and beauty—like his lover, Cade Mairston.
Against all odds he and Cade found each other, but their perils have just begun. First is the ex-lover who once held Quinn in thrall. And, someone has been killing warlocks. Could it be one of his own kind? There are those too who would challenge Quinn’s power in their quest to overthrow him as Grand Master. Or is the danger something darker, something invoked inadvertently, rising from the shadows, building from the very inside of a man until it brings an end with a quick flash of light? Of the truth, the surface has only been scratched. Now Quinn and Cade must go deeper and find both answers and an end. They must learn what lurks in the hearts of men…and whether it seeks to love or destroy.
Release Date: May 22nd 2014
Amazon UK
Boroughs Publishing
Barnes and Noble
Susan Mac Nicol is a self- confessed bookaholic, an avid watcher of videos of sexy pole dancing men, geek, nerd and in love with her Smartphone. This little treasure is called ‘the boyfriend’ by her long suffering husband, who says if it vibrated, there’d be no need for him. Susan hasn’t had the heart to tell him there’s an app for that…
She is never happier than when sitting in the confines of her living room/study/on a cold station platform scribbling down words and making two men fall in love. She is a romantic at heart and believes that everything happens (for the most part) for a reason. She likes to think of herself as a ‘half full’ kinda gal, although sometimes that philosophy is sorely tested.
Lover of walks in the forest, theatre productions, dabbling her toes in the cold North Sea and the vibrant city of London where you can experience all four seasons in a day , she is a hater of pantomime (so please don’t tar and feather her), duplicitous people, bigotry and self-righteous idiots.
In an ideal world, Susan Mac Nicol would be Queen of England and banish all the bad people to the Never Never Lands of Wherever -Who Cares. As that’s never going to happen, she contents herself with writing her HEA stories and pretending, that just for a little while, good things happen to good people.
Sue is a PAN member of Romance Writers of America and is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association in the UK.
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Thank you so much for showcasing me and the lads here today. Cade and Quinn are happy to be here too!!
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