Eventually being diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder as a child, difficult didn’t even begin to describe the nightmare of Charlie’s life. Escaping the drug-induced limbo he existed in and running from his alcoholic mother and despotic grandfather, he finally finds some peace and a home on Rainbow Key.
Noah is also running, even if he doesn’t realize it, and the guilt he feels over his brother’s suicide chases him no matter where he goes. When he meets and falls for Charlie, he finally thinks he might have the chance to make a home and a future with the adorable man, except he doesn’t realize that the secret that Charlie is hiding is the one thing that he fears the most.
And not even a chance of mending their future can heal the scars of Charlie’s past.
Sigh…. I think maybe I loved this one more than the first one….and hey there, hot cover!!!
In this one, we have Charlie, who we got to know in the first book of this series. He has trouble with touch, tactile sensitivity, and in a lot of cases, being touched even causes them physical pain. I couldn’t even imagine that, especially as a child, or having a child with such a …. I don’t want to say disability, but, it kind of is. My heart broke for Charlie, because living with this was brutal; with an alcoholic mother who didn’t know how to live with him and selfishly made it all about her, and a grandfather who tried to toughen him up by forcing it on him. I didn’t begrudge him for a second. He was a survivor, and I loved reading his story.
Noah gets left at the altar and was set to go on his honeymoon to the resort that we got to know and love last book. Unfortunately, Joshua was away with Daniel, so it left Charlie in charge of getting him set up and comfortable. It didn’t well in the beginning, but something about Charlie kept Noah wanting to be around him. Plus, being alone on your honeymoon….probably not a lot of fun.
However, it didn’t take Noah to realize that not going ahead with the wedding was a blessing in disguise. I was mad at the ex at first, but only for the way he done him on his wedding day; after that, I didn’t give him another thought.
While Noah was on the island, Charlie gets upsetting news and goes into this protective mode that wanted to help Charlie out. It was obvious that they felt for each other and it was kind of seamless, even though Noah had just gotten out of a very long-term relationship. It didn’t feel rushed to me, and maybe it should’ve, but they went through a lot together in such a short time that it didn’t feel forced or rushed at all. Bravo author, that’s hard to accomplish! Plus, Noah had his own demons he was battling, and I think helping Charlie kind of muted it, in a way….I understood it.
Unfortunately, Noah’s time away had come to an end, and he had to get back to his life. Charlie had made the impression though and an even bigger surprise, was so did Noah, to Charlie. He was so mindful of Charlie’s obstacles, and instead of getting frustrated by them or thinking there was something wrong with him, he just took it for what it was and worked around them. He didn’t judge Charlie or make him feel bad; he cared about him in a way that no one had before….so when he left, both men were left missing the other.
Leave it to Josh to concoct a reason to get him back on the island some weeks later, though….and though I want to gush some more and give you a step-by-step encounter of every piece of it, starting with what I loved and then moving on to what I adored…. I won’t. though I think you should just stop right now and go read it.
I cannot wait to see what happens with Ben, and I really, really, really need for Matt to get everything his heart could ever want. Knowing a little bit more about his story made me want to wish him real so I could spend all day every day, just hugging him for how unfair he was treated and how much of his life he missed out on. I sincerely hope he gets some justice for that!!! And Joe… I hope Joe is a part of all that happy…. Even though I’m curious to read about the new guy, Ryder and his little sister.
Overall, fantastic addition to a really great series. I cannot wait for more!
5 well deserved pieces of eye candy from me.