When Thaine wakes up in the hospital after a bull-riding injury, he immediately asks for his lover, Jerry. He has no idea who this man next to his bed is, despite the fact Drew insists they have been an item for the last five years.
Thaine’s best friend, Jesse, calls Jerry. He thinks it’s a pretty crappy thing to do to the new boyfriend, but tells himself it’s unlikely Jerry will come after so many years. He also doesn’t get why Thaine would pass up the opportunity to be with Drew since he’s young, optimistic, and hardworking. In short, everything Jesse ever wanted in a man.
Jerry still carries a torch for his cowboy, so when Thaine asks to go home with him to recover, Jerry agrees. At first they pick up their intense physical relationship right where they left it before the breakup. Jesse, in turn, consoles the now homeless Drew and offers him quite a bit more than a shoulder to cry on. But in the back of all the men’s minds loom Thaine’s lost five years.
Title: Amnesia
Author: Sean Michael
Release Date: June 13, 2016
Category: Contemporary, Cowboys, Erotic Romance
Pages: 200
Opposites Attract
By Sean Michael
That’s what ‘they’ say, isn’t it? Opposites Attract. I like to think that more than just opposites attract, but it definitely is fun to play with opposites when writing couples. The couples in Amnesia are opposites, even as the men within each couple are opposites. So I had the best of all words with these four men.
Thaine and Jerry are both stubborn and passionate, but one is a bullrider and the other is a business man. It’s those opposites that actually broke them up five years ago. But it’s also those opposites that make their relationship exciting and both men crave excitement.
Then there’s Jesse and Drew. These two are both cowboys, but one is older, the other younger. They fit together perfectly though. Their love is as deep as Thaine and Jerry’s, but they are a calmer couple, they are more… quietly in love, while Thaine and Jerry are an explosion. They both want to settle down while Thaine and Jerry are chasing their next high, both in their jobs and together.
It was fun to be able to explore all their differences, and similarities – for even the most opposite characters can find some points of commonality – with these four men.
Smut fixes everything
I love a good cowboy story, especially one with a little angst.
Thaine and Drew have been together for 3 years, after a bull riding accident that almost killed Thaine he doesn’t remember Drew at all. He can’t remember the last five years of his life and he still thinks he’s in a relationship with his ex Jerry.
Jerry comes running to Thaine’s bedside when he learns of the accident from Thaine’s best friend Jesse. Jerry and Thaine pick up their relationship where it left off five years ago, leaving Drew out in the cold and Jesse to pick up the pieces.
Jesse has had a thing for Drew for years so jumping in to help mend his broken heart is no hardship. All four men move on with life and love wondering if Thaine will ever remember.
I love the storyline, bull riding is such a dangerous sport and it makes me wonder how often this really happens.
I kept expecting Thaine to have an Ah-ha moment, but he never did. I wasn’t expecting him to get back together with Drew because Jerry really was the one that got away but I feel like there was no closure between Drew and Thaine.
Sex, holy hell there was a lot of sex. I get that there were two separate couples but wow, these guys were like Energizer Bunnies. I ended up skimming some of the scenes.
The overall story was good, the characters had good chemistry.
3 pieces of eye candy.
Dreamspinner Press
Best-selling author Sean Michael is a maple leaf–loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.
Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.
WEBSITE: http://www.seanmichaelwrites.com
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