On stage, Adam lets his passion drive him. All his secret desires, everything nasty, dirty, and beautiful flows freely through him, for once in harmony. His soul thrives when his body moves, but only on stage. Adam’s passionate nature makes him a great dancer…and a failure at life. He’s a lonely, emotional mess. Going home with a man far out of his reach is the last thing Adam should do. Christoffer represents everything Adam isn’t: strong, independent, educated, and rich. His kind eyes, at odds with his brutish form, make Adam’s knees and restraint buckle.
Once Christoffer sees Adam dancing, he’s lost. The young man is mesmerizing, otherworldly, and unpredictable. Whatever might happen between them, it will be transient, and Christoffer will most likely get hurt. The temptation is too great, however, and the sex explosive. He might as well enjoy every moment he’s given, even if it’s just one day, maybe two. If Christoffer treads carefully, Adam might stay until Monday.
Length: 39,000 words
Cover Design: Roe Horvat
Publisher: Beaten Track Publishing
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The Other Book
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Universal Link
He didn’t have a clue what he was doing. Why was he still here? He should leave. Now.
The house was far away from any main roads, but he could walk for a bit and then get a taxi to the nearest train station back to the city. Maybe there was a bus stop somewhere close. His thoughts sharpened—the jerking off, swim, and caffeine had cleared his brain. Determined not to waste more time daydreaming about wealthy bears who never gave a damn, he finished his coffee. He’d need to sneak back to the bathroom to get his clothes. And his phone. He shouldn’t have lingered.
He found which cabinet door in the kitchen hid the built-in dishwasher and placed the cup inside. Then he climbed the stairs on tiptoes and peeked into the bedroom. Christoffer slept on his back, snoring softly.
Adam spotted his phone on the nightstand. Christoffer must have put it on charge after Adam had fallen asleep. He wouldn’t dwell on how considerate that was. He snatched up the phone and closed himself in the bathroom.
Eying the red thong with disgust, he threw it in the trash. What had he been thinking? He dragged the jeans up his naked body, pulled on his socks and slid into the T-shirt. His jacket was downstairs. He opened the door carefully, ready to bolt without looking at the sleeping man.
Except Christoffer was now sitting on the edge of the bed, naked, staring up at Adam with sleepy eyes.
“Hi,” Christoffer murmured. His eyes slid up and down Adam’s body, noticing the clothes. His smile turned cautious.
“Hi.” Adam shifted from foot to foot. What now?
The moment dragged on until Adam’s heart was pounding. He needed to say something, quick, and get out of there before it could get any more awkward.
“I…” he began but closed his mouth again. He couldn’t decipher Christoffer’s expression. And all that skin on display was distracting.
Christoffer braced his hands on his knees and inhaled deeply, his Goliathan shoulders lifting. “You like eggs?”
“For breakfast.”
“Yeah,” Adam blurted before he thought of the implications. He was staying for breakfast? He wanted to. Stupid! He absolutely shouldn’t! Seeing Christoffer now, those gentle gray eyes such a contrast to his brutish form, Adam ached to stay. You stupid, horny, clingy asshole. Get out of here!
He opened his mouth to say something else, to apologize and whisper goodbye, but Christoffer was faster.
“Good. Wait for me in the kitchen. I just need to…” He gestured to the bathroom door behind Adam’s back.
“Oh. Sure.”
Adam stepped aside, quivering, and the big man stood in all his naked glory. He bent down and kissed Adam’s cheek, lingering, his breath hot by Adam’s ear. Then he disappeared into the bathroom. “I’ll be just a minute,” he threw over his shoulder before the door snapped shut.
Adam stood there, stunned, and touched his tingling cheek.
This was a fairly short book with A LOT of sex. It could very easily have been a boring sex book. But it wasn’t. There was story in there. There actually could have been a lot more story- I wanted more.
This is book 2, but I never read book 1 and I don’t think that it matters at all. I lost nothing from not reading book 1.
Christoffer sees Adam dancing on a table at a party his friend was throwing. While he was trying to be stealthy, he was anything but. Adam also had his eye on Christoffer. They find themselves alone together and go home together. But a one night stand turns into a weekend. Until Adam leaves in the wee hours of the morning without a word. Better to leave on your own rather than be asked to leave.
Both of these guys have issues. But they need to get past those issues to realize that they are right for each other in so many ways. Adam has been thrown away too many times. He never wants to be in that position again, being dependant on someone. But Christoffer has also been pushed away. Mostly because so many think he is difficult to have sex with. Because of his size. Wink wink. But Adam LOVES that.
Like I said, there is A LOT of sex. Pages and pages and pages. It wasn’t boring though or repetitive. The scenes were well written. But I did enjoy the story that was half buried in there as well. And as I said at the beginning, I could have used more of it because I really liked these guys.
3.5 pieces of eye candy
Queer fiction author Roe Horvat was born in the post-communist wasteland of former Czechoslovakia. Equipped with a dark sense of sarcasm, Roe traveled Europe and finally settled in Sweden. He came out as transgender in 2017 and has been fabulous since. He loves Jane Austen, Douglas Adams, bad action movies, stand-up comedy, pale ale, and daiquiri, with equal passion. When not hiding in the studio doing graphics, he can be found trolling cafés in Gothenburg, writing, and people-watching.
More about the author:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roe.horvat.98
Twitter: @roehorvat
Website: roehorvat.com
Publisher: http://www.beatentrackpublishing.com/?n1=authors&id=107