TCO is so excited to bring you 12 Days of Kissmas. We have 12 of your favorite authors ahead over the coming days, bringing you beautiful pictures of men kissing that the authors have chosen themselves, along with exclusive posts, excerpts, and giveaways. The idea sprang from a conversation with an author that just turned into a “what if…”, and when I started asking a few authors, they immediately said they were in. Make sure you enter the giveaways, as there are lots of them! Thanks for stopping by, and a HUGE thank you to all the authors for their generosity, and loving spirit. Happy Holidays to everyone!
Favorite Kisses
I’m thrilled to participate in Two Chicks’ Twelve Days of Kissmas. I’m by far more a reader than I am a movie/TV watcher but I thought it’d be fun to touch on both types of kisses today so I’ll share a kissing excerpt from my book In Your Eyes and some movie/TV kissing scenes suggested by readers in my Facebook Group. What’s your favorite book, movie, or TV kiss?
- Just a Question of Love (Juste une question d’amour) – Laurent and Cédric. Watch on YouTube.
- Shelter – Zach and Shaun. Watch on YouTube.
- Glee – Kurt and Blaine. Watch on YouTube.
- Shadow Hunters – Magnus and Alex. Watch on YouTube.
- Days of Our Lives – Will and Neil. Watch on YouTube.
- Torchwood – Jack and Ianto. Watch on YouTube.
- Spartacus – Agron and Nasir. Watch on YouTube.
- Maurice – Maurice & Alec. Watch on YouTube
Excerpt from In Your Eyes by Cardeno C.
“I don’t understand what’s happening,” I confessed.
“Yes, you do. Stop thinking. Just feel.”
Before I could deny his assertion or ask what he meant or explain that using my brain was important, he closed the gap between us and pressed his lips against mine.
The feelings were already there—locked away, hidden, but there. His kiss led them out from the darkness where they were buried and showed them the light of day. He felt so good, so right, touching my face, smoothing his soft lips over mine, teasing my tongue into his mouth and letting me taste him. Before I knew it, I was reaching for him, tangling my fingers in the sides of his hair, and holding on to him, keeping him close, keeping us connected.
Without separating our mouths, he rolled on top of me and wedged himself between my thighs. I whimpered and felt him smile in response. All the while, he kept kissing my lips and petting my face. It was amazing—the warm caress of his skin, his scent surrounding me, the sound of him breathing. For the first time in my life, I was where I was meant to be, who I was meant to be. I was whole.
Gasping, I jerked back and stared at Korban. It wasn’t supposed to be possible. It shouldn’t have made any sense. And yet, suddenly, everything made sense and anything seemed possible.
“You’re my mate,” I rasped. “My true mate.”
“Yes.” He beamed, the sides of his eyes crinkling. He moved his fingertips over my eyebrows, my cheekbones, my nose, my lips, and my jaw while he gazed at me reverently. “And I am so very lucky.”
Find More Information About Cardeno C. Here:
Short Bio: Cardeno C. – CC to friends – is a hopeless romantic who wants to add a lot of happiness and a few “awwws” into a reader’s day. Writing is a nice break from real life as a corporate type and volunteer work with gay rights organizations. Cardeno’s stories range from sweet to intense, contemporary to paranormal, long to short, but they always include strong relationships and walks into the happily-ever-after sunset.
Heartwarming Stories. Strong Relationships. Forever Love.
For a chance to win a copy of In Your Eyes by Cardeno C, leave a comment about her blog post. What is your favorite kiss?
Tanja says
My favorite kiss is something like the guys on the first picture. Where they laugh, just being together.
Jen F says
Since I submitted a Maurice clip on your FB group – that’s my fav. Love that movie.
H.B. says
I did like the kiss between Zach and Shaun in Shelter. I also liked the kiss between Gavin and Paul in The Perfect Wedding.
Lisa says
I recently discovered the series Eyewitness on the USA Network. Lots of great kisses between the characters Lukas and Philip played by James Paxton and Tyler Young. The season finale is Sunday night.
Sula says
Some of my favourites are mentioned above, but another is perhaps the romantic and forbidden (because of society and the different ethnic and status of the two romantic leads) was between Daniel Day Lewis and Gordon Warnecke (or Jonny & Omar) from the film My Beautiful Laundrette